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Dear Lordy, there's too much and I'm still lost on Enchanting...
Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 12:20 pm
by Casketgarden
Okie..... I'm so lost on this and I don't know how in the world to begin here......
Here is what I do understand.
In order to trap a soul in a soul gem I have to cast that one spell on it and kill it within 60 seconds. Non Humanoid Critters only.
I notice there are different soul gems. Lesser, greater, etc... The higher level thing you soul trap it goes into a higher quality soul gem? Is this right?
Once I have a soulgem...... what thehell do I do with it. Just drop it on my char? What item will it go on?
Do I control what the effect is at all?
Are they constant or do I have to activate them and recharge them etc????
Sorry for the bunch of questions but I'm horribly lost here =P
btw, I like this game MUCH more then NWN right now =P
Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 12:38 pm
by T'lainya
Hi, welcome to Gamebanshee
I notice there are different soul gems. Lesser, greater, etc... The higher level thing you soul trap it goes into a higher quality soul gem? Is this right?
Yes, minor critters like cliff racers, alits etc fit into the petty gems.
Dreugh, ancestor ghosts into the common gems and the larger ones are for atronachs, golden saints etc.
Once I have a soulgem...... what thehell do I do with it. Just drop it on my char? What item will it go on?
Just drop the gem on your character in the inventory, you'll see a popup with a place to choose what item you want and what effect. Different items have different capacitys, i.e a common ring holds less than an exquisite ring. The effects you can choose are limited to what spell effects you know.
You set different durations, ranges (self, area effect etc.) on that page too
Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 3:23 pm
by wiwimu
since i am not a very good enchanter i always go to someone else to enchant it for me (there is a wood elf at balmora mages guild who could do it, she is at the upper most level)
Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 11:48 pm
by Sojourner
Always carry all types of soul gems - that way you won't end up wasting the more valuable ones on lesser creatures. The game will always put the soul into the least valuable gem in your inventory that will fit it. In the beginning, trapping cliff racers, nix hounds, kagouti, and bull netches is a good way to boost your mysticism (and marksman) skills. To use the soul gems, drop them on your character in the inventory screen. You'll have the option of re-charging an item or creating a new one. Both options will improve your enchant skill. I don't recommend trying to make any enchanted items yourself until you have a very high enchant skill, because the failure rate is very high. Even with a high intelligence ( > 100 ) and enchant skill of 100, the failure rate is quite high for making items with constant effects - save before attempting this or use the enchanting services provided by an enchanter.
Soul Gems
- Petty Soul Gems - nix hound, kagouti, guar, and cliff racer souls (worth 200-400)
- Lesser Soul Gems - bull netch souls (worth 1000)
- Common Soul Gems - Bonelords and Flame Atronachs (worth 4000-4200)
- Greater Soul Gems - Frost and Storm Atronachs
- Grand Soul Gems - Winged Twilights, Golden Saints, and Ascended Sleepers (worth 60,000-80,000)
You can trap other daedra as well, but there are so few grand soul gems in the game, that you will want to save them for the creatures I listed above. Golden Saints and Ascended Sleepers will net you the Soul Gems you can use for enchanting items with constant effects. Golden Saints are actually harder to soultrap - they keep dispelling the effect.
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 12:57 am
by UserUnfriendly
get azuras star, and go to tel brannora and visit theannas tower...
a guy there teaches summon saints spell....
i never use anything but saints on any enchanted items....wonderful charges, even for non constant effect itmes i want...
heck, even most of the legendary weapons have less than 400 charges...
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 9:48 am
by Casketgarden
Just wanted to say thanks tons for helping me out here. All your responses helped me out a bunch.