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Viconia Romance 'LoveTalk' variables ( SPOILER )

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 3:11 am
by WildInTheWoods
I have a few questions a good soul might be able to help me with.

I want to get Viconia to switch alignments but, i'm worried that it might be too late. Does anybody know the LoveTalk Variable to reset the romance to before the second.. ahem.. second time? I accepted her offer and I read that if you do, the alignment change won't happen.

I worry most about the LoveTalks that are tied to the plot.. If I reset it, how will those happen again?

I worry because of the TOLDVICONIAIMOEN , BVICONIA6B , BVICONIA11D titles under the same tab. I can guess easily enough what the TOLDVICONIAIMOEM means. The others however.. I haven't a clue.. I know the TOLDVICONIAIMOEN convo happened after the second 'event' with Viconia. I was worried it would cause problems.

Any clue to what the BVICONIA6B and BVICONIA11D titles refer to?

Finally, can Viconia's alignment switch only happen in ToB or before?

Sorry for so many questions and thank you so much.


Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 8:55 am
by Sabre
Where are you up to in the game? If you're still in SoA part, then don't worry about it, since the alignment change will only happens in ToB.

Don't worry about all of the other things that are there, those are to keep track of the party interaction dialogues - so she doesn't have the same conversation with the same NPC more than once.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 12:40 pm
by Krimmy
Viconia romance spoiler below..tread with care...

Possible spoiler
Hey Sabre, you're the best person to answer this question.

I am running the Viconia romance I managed to get the romance dialog to repeat a couple times. The instance where she is talking about love cries, do you know what dialog is supposed to come next?

I deliberatly waited around after that dialog because I wanted to change Sarevok's alignment. I waiting a looong time and it just didn't happen and during that period of time Viconia repeated that "Love" dialog a couple times.

I finally decided to go ahead and finish off the rest of the Bhaal spawn, the next dialog I got was after I beat the ravager in my pocket plane, do you know if that was supposed to be the next dialog in the romance?

I just didn't want to miss a anything


Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 10:25 pm
by Sabre
Yep, the one after the Ravager is the one that should be next, so you haven't miss anything.

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2002 10:53 pm
by WildInTheWoods
I'm just getting ready to go to Spell Hold. I've played up to the drow city before, but had to stop because of finals, time constraints, ect.. All of you can be very jealous of me because after I get to the drow city, I will be playing everything for the first time :)

So, I can expect this romance to end badly in BG2, totally finish, then start back up when I import into Tob. Right?

Do I even need to reset the LoveTalk variable? I accepted Viconia's 'offer' the second time but, I read that you have to say 'the time isn't right' I don't know if it's even true :S

Finally, If I set the VICONIAROMANCE global to 1 it speeds things up.. So, do I have to set it back to 1 after every romance talk?

Thanks again. You're a real lifesaver.


Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 1:05 am
by Sabre
Yes, you need to set ViconiaRomance to 1 after each dialogue. About Viconia's romance, everything is fine at the moment - it will not end badly, unless you do something in the future to make it end badly; you don't need to reset the LoveTalk variable.

*highlight for more detail, spoilers included*Viconia will ask you to sleep with her 3 times in the SoA romance; accept the first two times, but not the third - this will end the romance. What you heard is for the ToB romance part, so do not accept her offer when you have started Throne of Bhaal.*