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Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 3:21 pm
Anyone know where to find a crossbow? I passed on one a while back (from a dead Orc) and I haven't seen any since. Someone was raving about one on an earlier thread (Tybaltus maybe?) and now I'd like to trade in the bow so I can try one.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 4:18 pm
by wiwimu
i bought a crossbow from a trader in Caldera. The shop is just oppostie creepers beside the place where they provide bed services.
sorry i am very bad at remembering names but i'll check it out again.
The sad thing is i don't know where to find a crossbow that is better. The only bow that i use now is (enchantment) bound long bow
it has similar traits to the deadric longbow but it weights nothing and only cost 1 gold to repair.

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2002 4:54 pm
by Tybaltus
It probably wasnt me. I dont like crossbows too much because you dont find many bolts throughout the game. Though crossbows do more damage. I also dont think I have found many magical crossbows.

But I do know where you can find some non-magical crossbows. If you can take the creatures in dwemer ruins, be sure to check out the chests throughout those places-the items are completely random in dwemer chests, so you can find one in any dwemer ruin, if you are lucky. Im sure weapon smiths carry some. I will keep an eye out for them next time I play, and I will let you know what I find.

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2002 1:09 pm
by Scayde
I have never found an enchanted crossbow, but I have "found" several different types of enchanted bolts. Would have been great if my aim were better.