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Where is Stormkiss? *spoiler wanted*

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 12:58 pm
by Silver Knight
The old Nord in Vivec said that Stormkiss, the Nord king's axe, was somewhere on the western side of the peninsula between Zaintriraris and Tel Branora. I have searched that peninsula for hours, and whilst the respawning Ogrims at Zaintriraris provide some light relief, I really want to find that axe and carry on with the game!

Anyone know where it is?


Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 1:44 pm
by Tybaltus
If the nord you are talking about is the one you bribe with Matze, then I can point you in a rough direction. The tomb you are looking for lies slightly north of Tel Branora. It is pretty close to Tel Branora, so it shouldnt take that long to find. I will look into it the next time I play.

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 2:19 pm
by Silver Knight
Found it. :o

Hiding cheekily away at the bottom of the Maravani ancestral tomb. The axe was rubbish anyway, but the old king did have some nice ebony wargear in his graveship. He doesn't have it anymore :D

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2002 4:39 pm
by Tybaltus
I wasnt going to say this before you found the axe-but it ranks as one of my top 15 most disappointing quests in Morrowind.

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:35 am

Unfortunately there are no really cool Axes. It amazes me that you can find awesome magic weapons in almost every category but for some reason the best axe is like a boring old daedric war axe. The orcish axe is okay too, but how about some enchanted axes. Nice job having a quest to find this axe with an awesome name , to find out that the thing is a dud.

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2002 8:21 am
by Silver Knight
Re: Axes
Originally posted by JSPCHIEF
the best axe is like a boring old daedric war axe. Nice job having a quest to find this axe with an awesome name , to find out that the thing is a dud.
Yep, the thing was rubbish, I left it where it lay, it wasn't even of sufficient cash value to be worth carrying to a trader! Shame really, with such a good name it should have been a weapon of bloody destruction.

I will stick with my boring old daedric war axe. I had one of Userunfriendly's rings made, one that has a constant effect of upping my character's strength to ludicrous levels. As a result, anything smaller than an Ogrim Titan is brought to its knees by one blow of the axe, a position in which it is much easier to beat enemies to death. :D

@ Tybaltus: thanks for not telling me in advance that the axe was useless. That would have ruined my whole evening. On the other hand, if you had, I might have got some sleep last night and, as a consequence, got some work done today! ;)