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where can i find a daedric longbow?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 1:34 am
by Jacob28348
where can i find one? and where can i buy magic arrows? Im have the xbox version, so plugins are out of the question at the moment.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 7:35 am
by Loredweller
Not much help i fear, but i found one in one of daedric shrines - strange one, much to fly to get to any spot and water bellow. There was a small platform - part of a broken ramp probably - with a corpse, daedric longbow and some daedric arrows. I was able to notice it only when i was stright over the spot, there were some building details shielding the place.
I cannot recall what shrine it was, though. However, i haven't got any other daedric bow so far.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 9:01 am
by Jacob28348
thanks for your help

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 11:03 am
by Sojourner
I remember that Shrine - it's part of one or more faction quests. You need to do some serious levitation in here. It's called the Maelkashishi Shrine, located in the West Gash region near the mountain range. The daedric bow is a heavy bow, though. I prefer to use a bound longbow (constant effect on a ring) - it has zero weight and does the same damage.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 6:07 pm
by wiwimu
i think i got one after finishing a mission for the murder in vivec.
that guy gave me and option of heavy armour or weapon or marksmanship...well i chose the marksmanship

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 6:10 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by wiwimu
i think i got one after finishing a mission for the murder in vivec.
that guy gave me and option of heavy armour or weapon or marksmanship...well i chose the marksmanship
Is this the quest involving the murder of 2 ordinators and 5 outlanders?

BTW-Welcome to exalted membership, wiwimu. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 6:48 pm
by wiwimu
hmm i checked it out again but it's not hmmm i must have mixed it up with something else.....but now i'm itching to find out which quest it was....and that journal is not helping.......

the murder quest was for a heavy armour or a belt......
BTW-Welcome to exalted membership, wiwimu.

thanks for your warm welcome ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 7:20 pm
by wiwimu
ah huh found it

it is not really a quest but if you have found out where the Vassir Didant mine is (ebony mine) you could talk to Drum Bero (at st olms canton) and tell him the location and he will reward you with a dedric longbow. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 12:14 am
by spanky
Deadric Long bow-There is probably another way to do this, but this is one of the easiest quests in the game and can be done right from the beginning. Head south out of balmora, until you reach the wooden bridge, cross it and keep going straight, just keep going straight, you will find a cave, vassir-didanat i think. Go in there, then leave. Now go to vivec. Talk to Drem Barro-He's in the haunted manor in the St. Olms, Plaza. You will have to unlock a lck lev. 50 door. Talk to him about the mine, he will thank you for finding the lost ebony mine, and give you the weapon of your choice as a reward, choose marksmen to recieve the longbow, you can choose any of the others, for a differnt weapon. Voila, a deadric longbow.

good luck! :)