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Conflicting loyalties - *potential spoiler*

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 12:08 pm
by Silver Knight
I am a member of both the Temple and the Legion.

I have now been given a quest by Frald to kill an ordinator who has been bad-mouthing the legion. However, as soon as I do this I get expelled from the Temple and there is a price on my head for murder.

I tried taunting him into attacking me first but he was having none of it. Do I simply need more speechcraft skill or is Frald not being entirely honest? :confused:

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 1:53 pm
by Tybaltus
Alright, You may want to get a higher speechcraft, but if you dont Ill give you a couple of suggestions. You could just pay amends if you get booted out of the temple. If you dont want to do that-somehow you should find indoril armor. Wear it, and talk to the ordinator-he will immediately attack you and you wont have a price on your head aslong as he attacks you first. However the negative affect of this is that most ordinators will now attack you. Same thing goes if you kill him in any shape or form so this quest sounds like it clashes with the temple badly. Sorry thats the best I can do. My suggestion is to raise your speechcraft and hope for the best.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 5:49 pm
by T'lainya
Or you could buy a frenzy humanoid spell/scroll and cast it on him. That should make him attack you.

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 8:02 pm
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by T'lainya
Or you could buy a frenzy humanoid spell/scroll and cast it on him. That should make him attack you.
Ah. Didnt even think of that. That will probably work.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 12:16 am
by Sojourner
Even with a high speechcraft skill, it takes multiple tries to finally get him to attack you. I had to bribe him before taunting, then bribe him again when I experienced too many taunt failures. Fortunately, you do get the money back. I belong to both the Temple and the Imperial Legion, and this quest didn't seem to hurt my standing in the Temple.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 6:08 am
by Loredweller
Well, what's very strange, the only conflicting loyalty i've met is between Fighters and Thieves Guilds (code book). As soon i'm not going to make a career in any of them, it doesn't hinder me in any way. My char. is head of Redorans, Temple, Cult and Mages Guild and just haven't had a leisure to throw down the gauntlet to claim the leadership of Legion in Morrowind (although having rights and matching requiremens). So far no conflicts of any kind. Yes, there was a confrontation - with Buoyant Armigers, but it was a matter of courtesy and resolved in poetry riddle contest and never spoiled the attitude of Temple and Ordinators to my protagonist (BTW, was the quest mentioned above really to kill? Would you, please, see your journal once more?)...
My guess is one may get different quests depending on reputation or personality (or both) and other attributes maybe. I joined the Legion late enough with rep. about or over 30 (have never had a bounty on my character's head). It's also quite possible the class has some impact (my hero is a Withchunter).

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 3:04 pm
by Silver Knight
Originally posted by Loredweller
BTW, was the quest mentioned above really to kill? Would you, please, see your journal once more?

Frald was quite specific, he said: "...silence his lying mouth with blood."

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 6:34 am
by Loredweller
Well, mine were plain as well:
"Salyn Sarethi, a Buoyant Armiger at the Tower of Dusk in Ghostgate claims we have no courtesy. Go best him in a duel of wit and poetry."
My witchhunter at the moment af completting the task was level 16, reputation 32, personality (with Mask of Clavicus Vile) 90, intelligence 95. I didn't find the savegame i got the task, it might have some points less, though. However, i joined the legion on level 14, reputation 29, personality (with Mask of Clavicus Vile) 85, intelligence 90, already as Concilman of House Redoran and Invoker of Imperial Cult, so it couldn't make much of difference.
So it seems the game adjusts quests to something in character's attributes and status in game world.

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 7:31 am
by Sojourner
Originally posted by Loredweller
Well, mine were plain as well:
"Salyn Sarethi, a Buoyant Armiger at the Tower of Dusk in Ghostgate claims we have no courtesy. Go best him in a duel of wit and poetry."
This is a separate (and earlier) quest from the one involving silencing the Ordinator, which is given to you by Frald the White in Ebonheart. You may never get the quest to silence the Ordinator, if you advance to Knight of the Imperial Dragon too quickly.

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 9:10 am
by Loredweller
Well, it might be the case because i advanced very fast indeed - most of recue missions i had aleady done just BTW. I did all in Gnisis, then met Farad the White to get this quest, postponed it and went to other fort. I returned to it only when all was done save but Ebonheart line.