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Last battle (spoiler)

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 9:57 am
by Izgoth
That Morag just doesn't want to get hurt. I broke the statue, killed her friends, broke the egg thingy but she just doesn't want to die. My weapons were uable to harm Morag or those praying lizards at the throne. What am I supposed to do here? I hacked and slashed for about 5 mins and accidentaly got in to a corner so I couldn't move anymore.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 11:21 am
by seraphim
i always carry a bunch of acid arrows or such. they may not do physical damage but they usually do the extra damage. i think i just found one who could be damaged, slew one or two, then after those defenses were down, killed morag.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 11:37 am
by Izgoth
So the praying lizards are all vulnerable to something? I tried hitting many of them but I didn't deal a single point of damage.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 11:58 am
by Straydog
First to kill is the one with fire, in my game at least. From there you go killing them one by one. I was really lucky though, Morag followed me outside the room and stayed there while I rushed back. Had all the time in the world to hack them in pieces. :D :p

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 2:36 pm
by seraphim
it took me awhile to realize you had to destroy the statue but when i did i went around the circle whacking on the minions. eventually, one of them succumbed to my acid attacks. then i just found another one (i think i killed the immunity to fire one as well first) and whacked that one. i used either arrows or swords (i played a ranger) and they went down. some were still nigh invulnerable but at least three were killable and that was all i bothered to kill. morag was there but her attacks were next to useless. she barely injured me and even wehn she did i had loaded up on some potions of heal since i had an extra 1,000,000 gold pieces by the end. just keep whacking away at the little buggers. eventually, they will fall.

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2002 3:14 pm
by Ares2382
the way I killed those guys was fairly easy, took me 1 implosion spell, didn't kill all of them, but I killed the ones I needed then Morag was no problem. And btw Izgoth Morag is not a he Morag is a she :)

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 8:50 am
by Izgoth
Originally posted by Ares2382
the way I killed those guys was fairly easy, took me 1 implosion spell, didn't kill all of them, but I killed the ones I needed then Morag was no problem. And btw Izgoth Morag is not a he Morag is a she :)
Whoops! I knew that, but a bad typo slipped through :D

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 5:39 pm
by DLCogswell
I played a monk (level 19 by then) and after the statue was toast, I brought my hanchmen Daelan Red Tiger in to entertain Morag while I worked on her friends. I found that arrows of fire worked on the protector from fire, acid arrows worked on another, etc. It seemed that each one had to be hit several times before I got past the "innefective" state. By the time there were only three or four left, Morag was taking damage. I had to toss Daelan a Heal portion a few times, but he bravely kept working on her. When I got down to just two protectors, Daelan took her out with a mighty swing of his axe and the last two protectors died. It took awhile, but was easier than I had expected.

As a monk, I couldn't use any of the armor, weapons, spells etc. I accumulated and sold them, leaving me with over 300,000 GP by the end. I'm surprised I could move with all that gold in my pocket!

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 6:55 pm
by Yuusuke
YOu only need to kill ONE of the protectors, which one is up to you. If you're using a sword, kill the Protector from Slashing (or whatever its name is). You have to kill the protector with whatever the protector is protecting Morag from. I.E. Protector from Fire you need to kill with fire based attacks/spells, which will make Morag vulnerable to fire ONLY. The only one I didn't understand was Protector from Storms, I assume this one is electricity based, but I couldn't touch him with my lightning arrows. With my druid, I just rushed the Protector of Spear and Morag is pretty much got one foot in the grave.

DLCogswell, don't tell me you go to Cogswell Polytechnical in Sunnyvale, CA.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 8:28 am
by Straydog
Our hero must be using Faerun Card. Usable in all transactions, and instant transformation of your loot to safe anonymous account in local mage-bankers vault. Just donĀ“t ever forget your code. :p :D