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Best Dueling Class (maybe spoiler?)

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 4:57 pm
by DaleWind
Which is the best dueling class (in your opinion of course), and why?

Mine vote goes to:

Best damage spell, best healing spell, good armour and weapon. Anyone who played thru the game w/ a Cleric knows how insanely powerful a cleric is.

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2002 5:12 pm
by BlackJesus666
Never gained a Cleric Level until now....

There´s no use of healing spells....
Okay, a cleric has many other spells, too, but there have been so many other interesting Classes for me.

I´ll play a Cleric later on...

I played:

-Human Fighter/ 1 Level in Rogue
-Elven Wizard/ 1 Level in Monk
-Half-Elven Ranger/Thief evenly leveled but gave up on him, ´cause he was too weak
-Pure dwarven Monk
-Human Druid/ 1 Level in Barbarian

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 12:15 am
by Phantom Lord
With all those traps in the game you can always use a rogue class. Sneak attack is also very handy.

Rogue duals very good with ranger, depending on how far you want to improve your thieving skills, 3-6 rogue levels are useful. With 6 rogue levels you'll be able to recover any trap in the game, at least if you put your skill points into disarm traps and have some items that help in case of need (amulet of the master, int-boosting items). Btw, selling recovered traps brings you a lot of money. This class is pretty powerful with weapon finesse / dual wield / sneak attack and if you have your familiar with you, you'll also rake in tons of XP.

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 12:34 am
by fallenheart
My vote goes to Barbarian. A half orc barbarian hit me for 120+ dmg on one shot.
I think it has something to do with high str, and 4x critical dmg on Death's Handmaiden he was using. :D
That particular barbrian will hit you at least 3 times per round
(or all 5) for 25+ on each hit, and one of those hit will be likely 100+ critical hit(keen weapon + improved crit).
I doubt the fight will last more than a round.. or two at max.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 8:13 am
by archerknight
I tried dualing ranger/rogue for a while. Comp crashed(not game related) and I started another, but the ranger/rogue made a good char.
A lot of related abilities. The rogue levels can be dedicated to traps/locks because you can hide/move with ranger.
You get the sneak attack with a powerful fighter.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 9:38 am
by Rheomyr
I wanted to play a pure class first, so I tried a fighter, a cleric and a rogue. I played a female cleric just a bit. I agree that her healing spells are useless. I like the summon spell though. A summoned beasty is fun to watch and it distracts enemies. But at lower levels my cleric was very weak which was frustrating. I like powerful chars to cut through the crowd. Having Tomi at the same time to handle traps and locks really made gaming sucks. And I was reluctant to dual to rouge because my dexterity and intelligence did not qualify.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 10:09 am
by dragon wench
IMHO the best duals are those that have similar ability score requisites.
As has been discussed the ranger/rogue works very well....the automatic abilty to dual wield, plus sneak attacks....

I would also imagine, due to the high wisdom needed for each that a cleric/monk combo would be interesting.....

Since they both need high charisma, if you could find a way to successfully deal with the armour conflict, a paladin/sorcerer could be fun as well.

Just my thoughts anyway. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 10:53 pm
by fallenheart
It's funny how people just can not tell the difference between DUEL and DUAL :rolleyes:

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 4:32 pm
by archerknight
Seems everyone understood what was meant.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 4:40 pm
by DaleWind
hey, what can you do. Not a whole lot of people cares about it anyway.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 4:41 pm
by Yuusuke
Actually they didn't, he's talking about dueling, but it's obvious that some people are talking about dual-CLASSing.

I personally like the monk in duels. 7 Attacks per round (depending on how you build). Stunning Fist, Improved Knockdown, Parry (VERY underrated skill IMO), and Monk Speed. Only complaint is the lower HP, but still, with a haste robe, that leaves your feet slot free for Boots of Striding.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2002 9:57 am
by Rheomyr
:D That is a very good point!
Why don't we just ask DaleWind who originally posted this thread, what he actually meant -- DUELING or DUAL-CLASSING (multiclassing)?
Tell us, DaleWind.