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Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 12:08 am
by supersaiyan381
I have the Goldbrand, but how can I now make it the Eltonbrand?? Any info would help. Thank you.
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 12:57 pm
by cheesemage
Well First of All the getting the Elton Brand isnt very practical, and you have to become a vampire as well. Well First Become a vampire any can will do. Then talk to Sirlionwe in the Vivec Mages guild, do the quest, now before talking to her drop 11171 gold in one pile and the rest in another, thenn Have Goldbrand, the key, and 11171 gold in your inventory before you talk to her and it will say something like...
"Goldbrand has been removed from your inventory."
"Shashev's Key has been removed from your inventory."
"Eltonbrand has been added to your inventory."
"To hell with Carolina!"
There you have it.
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 3:50 pm
by supersaiyan381
Are you sure that is the only way, because I cannot become a vampire. Thank you for telling me how.