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Summoning SoA NPCs
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 2:10 pm
by Aubrey
Does anyone knows if all of SoA NPCs can be summoned through CLUA commands, and where I can find these commands exactly?
The reason: I want to test a few battles using different NPCs without having to go through the game all over again.
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 2:39 pm
by kopywrite
Don't know about the CLUA commands but
here's a list of all of them anyway.
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 2:57 pm
by Aubrey
Not codes for BGII NPCs though... Thanks, anyway.
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 4:13 pm
by Ryo
Download ShadowKeeper and Infinity Explorer. Some other helpful person can provide the link.. they'll not only give you the file names you need (and provide useful information, too) but lots of other interesting stuff as well.
Anyway, for each NPC, there are multiple files that correspond to the level you find them at. If you don't feel like downloading it and nobody else comes along with some more helpful comments, you could try telling me the approximate level you want and which NPCs you need the codes for..
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2002 4:40 pm
by VonDondu
Which NPCs do you want to create? There are a lot of different codes involved. The level of the NPCs you meet is determined by your own character's level, so there are approximately three different versions of each NPC.
For example, here are the codes for Imoen:
Imoen in Irenicus's lab: IMOEN10 (NOTE: She will not reappear in Spellhold!)
Imoen in Spellhold, Level 7/11: IMOEN211 (400,000 XP)
Imoen in Spellhold, Level 7/13: IMOEN213 (1,200,000 XP)
Imoen in Throne of Bhaal: IMOEN15 (2,500,000 XP)
Here are the codes for Aerie:
AERIE6 (90,000 XP)
AERIE7 (161,000 XP)
AERIE9 (400,000 XP)
AERIE10 (800,000 XP)
AERIE11 (1,200,000 XP)
AERIE12 (Throne of Bhaal only; 2,500,000 XP)
I can look them up with ShadowKeeper using the "Creature Browser" under the "View" option. The characters are listed by name in alphabetical order, which makes them easy to find.
You could also use Infinity Explorer, but the characters are listed according to their codes, so it's very difficult to find them unless you know (or can figure out) their codes. For example, the Creature Code for Mencar Pebblecrusher is SEVPAT01. It's not easy to figure out. It's a lot easier to use ShadowKeeper to look him up by name than it is to figure out what his code is. So there you have it.
Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 1:40 am
by Aubrey
I have SK installed but I wasn't sure about the exact codes of each NPC. For example: If you use CLUA to summon Aerie11, it's not really Aerie who appears, but a Campion with Aerie's voice screaming, "Uncle Quale! You're okay?" Using a different code (type them at random), she appears in Ogre form, the one we meet when we first enter the Circus tent.
I thought therefore that there are different codes for different phases of quests involving NPCs. I just want the ones one can use when the relative quests are done, plus the ones for ToB.
The battles I want to experiment are: Improved Bodhi at Chapter 6, Improved Irenicus Final Battle, and Improved Illassera, first battle in ToB.
I'll try using codes given by SK, and if I fail, I'll come back.
Many thanks!
Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 2:48 am
by VonDondu
Sorry, I forgot to mention that there are complications if you create NPCs from the console. The problem is, you usually have to do a few things before an NPC will join your group, and it affects their scripts. Usually, all you have to do is have a conversation with them. But sometimes, there's a lot more to it than that. For instance, in Edwin's case, you have to complete several quests before he will join your group. Quests and conversations make changes to Global Variables and to individual NPCs' "Effects". For example, when you first meet Aerie, she looks like an ogre; to transform her back into an elf, you have to bring her a sword. When you do, the game will use a variable to make a note of it. But if you have already completed the Circus quest before you summon her from the console, the game will assume that the transformation has already taken place, and it will jump to the next script. In Aerie's case, she might say, "Uncle Quayle, you're okay," or she might say, "Uncle Quayle said you would come back," and ask to join your group. Unfortunately, she will still look like an ogre. To take another example, when you first meet Haer'Dalis, he's a slave, and he won't respond to you unless you've completed the quest involving Mekrath. You can modify the Effects and Global Variables (and paper dolls) with ShadowKeeper, but it can be tedious work.
I have found that the easiest way to make NPCs join your group without a fuss is to create them from the console, pause the game IMMEDIATELY before they can talk, and then put the mouse cursor over them and press CTRL-Q. There might be problems when you dismiss them, but you can always CTRL-Q them again if you need them back in your party, or you can kill them, if you prefer. CTRL-Y does the trick.
Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 9:36 am
by Aubrey
Thank you, VonDondu! Always kind and helpful...