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Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 3:25 pm
by free_fall
Started it on 7-19 and finished it today - almost a whole month of gaming goodnes.

I thought it was a pretty cool game, overall. I'd put it right up there with Summoner.

One thing which I thought was very bizarre and kind of annoying was that at two points in the game (you know which ones) an NPC gives you an item whose level requirement *exceeds* the max level attainable in the game!!??!! I mean, wasupwidat?

Plus, it spurred me to finally upgrade my video card, tho' I'm kinda feeling ambivalent about this Ti4200. I'm sure I'll appreciate it more when Dx9 rolls out.

Now, I just have to find something to occupy my time till IWD2 arrives.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 5:14 pm
by Eriks

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 8:41 pm
by DaleWind
One more annoy thing: All the freaking doors that you can't open, I guess the developers really enjoy messing with the player's minds.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2002 8:42 pm
by Zu'l Zorander
get out of the house :D

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 1:00 am
by free_fall
>Zu'l - Aargh! Too late!

Loaded in AquaNox just to see the eye-candy on my new Ti4200. Ooooh, pretty! Stupid game, no wonder it was in the bargain bin for $10 so soon after its release; immediately uninstalled it. Reinsalled Jedi Knight 2, ran at highest quality. Ooooh, pretty! May continue with this off and on.

Installed Requiem: Avenging Angel, got the "Requires DirectX 6.1" error, discovered 3DO issued a patch for this 2 YRS. AFTER THE GAME'S RELEASE! Now, THAT'S support! Looks awesome.

Who knows, might give HL another go ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 1:53 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by free_fall
One thing which I thought was very bizarre and kind of annoying was that at two points in the game (you know which ones) an NPC gives you an item whose level requirement *exceeds* the max level attainable in the game!!??!! I mean, wasupwidat?
Well there was(is) and error in the way NwN calculates the level requirment for items. Will be fixed at some point when the more serious issuse has been ironed out :)

As for what to do next - jump into multiplaying and module construction.
Sure you can pass some time that way ;) :)