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Any good wizzard staves ? (spoiler)
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 12:41 pm
by De_Priester
Are there any good staves in the game for a wizzard ?
If yes where are they what do they do and what do they cost or take to get ?
Btw how about rings for a wizzard or amulets any rings with extra spells etc ?
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 12:53 pm
by Yuusuke
Not that I've seen, at least nothing that compares to some of the stuff that melee classes get. There is a Staff of the Magi (a la Baldur's Gate 2) but the stats on it has been butchered to near ueslessness.
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 1:04 pm
by De_Priester
Re: ***spoilerish***
Originally posted by Yuusuke
Not that I've seen, at least nothing that compares to some of the stuff that melee classes get. There is a Staff of the Magi (a la Baldur's Gate 2) but the stats on it has been butchered to near ueslessness.
Erhm okay and those stats would be ?
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 1:24 pm
by smass
Quote: "Not that I've seen, at least nothing that compares to some of the stuff that melee classes get. There is a Staff of the Magi (a la Baldur's Gate 2) but the stats on it has been butchered to near ueslessness."
Translation: "The staff of the magi has been de-cheesed"
Probably not a bad thing...
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 1:27 pm
by smass
On a more productive and spamless note - all of the item stats can be found on the neverwinter nights section of this website - if you join flashlink.
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 1:56 pm
by De_Priester
Originally posted by smass
On a more productive and spamless note - all of the item stats can be found on the neverwinter nights section of this website - if you join flashlink.
Erhm you have to pay for that right ?
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 2:24 pm
by Yuusuke
Well, I know it still dispels, on hit I believe, but the DC is very low. There probably is something else, but if it was good, I would've remembered, and being the item hoarder that I am, I would've kept it and been able to check. Since I can't do either of those things, it must've been much less than spectacular.
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 4:37 pm
by DaleWind
Staff of the Magi is a rather weak item that simply let you cast a lot of different spells:
Req lv 18
50 charges
Cast Spell: Dispel Magic (5) 1 Charge/Use
Cast Spell: Fireball (10) 2 Charges/Use
Cast Spell: Ice Storm (9) 2 Charges/Use
Cast Spell: Invisibility (3) 1 Charge/Use
Cast Spell: Light (1) 0 Charges/Use
Cast Spell: Lightning Bolt (10) 2 Charges/Use
Cast Spell: Mage Armor (2) 0 Charges/Use
Enhancement Bonus +1
On Hit: Dispel Magic DC=14
Use Limitation: Class: Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class: Wizard
Staff of Valmaxian is probably better, AC wise
req lv 16
charge 50
AC Bonus +2
Cast Spell: Chain Lightning (11) 5 Charges/Use
Cast Spell: Ethereal Visage (9) 5 Charges/Use
Cast Spell: Fireball (5) 3 Charges/Use
Enhancement Bonus +3
Use Limitation: Class: Sorcerer
Use Limitation: Class: Wizard
Then perhaps you like Staff of Magi better. If you want a good staff, make one yourself. If you feel bad just giving it to yourself, then make a merchant and buy it from him.
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2002 4:46 pm
by De_Priester
mmmm looking at those I think Meldanen his stave is probably the best in the game then grin since it has the feature penetration on it so that saves you one