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Sounds in win! possible or not?

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2002 1:48 pm
by Nae'run
Open windows with korgan voice! Possible?

I just got the idee that I would try too covert some of the charecter sounds and music from BG 2 and a few from BG 1 into playable wave files for for windows....... like when you turn on the computer an angry Korgan starts yelling and so on!!!

Is there somebody who know how this can be done? Or am I forced to find some of the wave files that can be downloaded?

Cheers Nae'run

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2002 10:40 pm
by Sojourner

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2002 10:58 pm
by Nae'run
Aaaahh!!! Thanks Sojourner :p :p