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Short question, what does wounding do ?

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 5:10 am
by Jodmos
The manual says nothing about it.
Is it a sort od damage over time effect like poison ?
I mean wounding could mean the victim bleeds and loses hps every round from this wound.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 5:39 am
by BlackJesus666
I´d say you´re right.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 11:12 am
by Obike Fixx
Have you got any of the D&D books, (Player's Handbook or Dungeon masters guide) it might be in them.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 11:25 am
by Mathurin
Im actually not sure how it works in NWN. When you add it to a weapon it gives a save DC value which means its nothing like the base rules. In tabletop it basically means that for every hit done to the target one extra wound damage is added. This extra damage is cumulative with each hit and it can only be healed through magic healing, normal healing and regeneration do nothing to help the wound. In NWN there is some sort of Fort Save DC so I really have no idea what effect it gives in game. Perhaps it does the same thing but the target can save vs the damage. Which basically castrates the entire power of wounding to start with.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 2:59 am
by Rob-hin
Originally posted by Jodmos
Is it a sort od damage over time effect like poison ?
Poison doesn't do HP damage anymore (like in BG).
It affects your character's attac and defence.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 3:37 am
by BlackJesus666
It affects Stats like Dex, Con or Str.

And secondarily it DOES hitpoint damage.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 6:47 am
by Rob-hin
OK, live 'n learn. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 5:03 am
by De_Priester
Originally posted by BlackJesus666
It affects Stats like Dex, Con or Str.

And secondarily it DOES hitpoint damage.
Aye it does damage but what Rob-Hin referred to was probably the thing in bdg that poison no longer does damage for an ammount of turns/rounds just the damage itself