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Most experience for a single creature?
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:55 pm
by ForgotenWarrior
What was the most experience you ever got for a single creature?
I went to arms alliance inn in port last and just for the hell of it killed darktongue breakbone who had "impossible rating" and hella life( about 280). I was only level 8 when I killed him, he must have been level 15 at least. He killed Dealen red tiger and almost killed me, but the exp was worth the trouble. I got no deduction in my chaotic good reputation and a JUICY 595, yes 595 experience for him. Thats more exp than I ever got for a dragon.
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 6:41 pm
by ForgotenWarrior
cmon people I wanna hear what you gotta say about that
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 7:57 pm
by Dezarond the Red
dude..i would answer you not sure everyone writes down the experience they get from kiling a monster...sorry...
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 9:40 pm
by Eriks
Yeah I usually don't even check
I would guess that Klauth the red dragon gave me most experience though.
Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:59 pm
by NightFallMyriad
The most experience you can get from any single creature is not really dependant on how tough the creature is, but rather how tough it is compared to you AT THE LEVEL when you killed it.
Being a bit of a powergamer (Ok, more like an obsessive powergamer, read my fighter strat...), I occasionally spawn extremely easy opponents in bulk that have modified Challenge Ratings (CR) for experimental and data gathering purposes, and I've discovered some things.
The computer measures any given creature's CR and compare's it to your current Character Level (for a level 9 fighter this would be 9 and for a wizard 6 / rogue 3 this would also be 9). If the computer sees that the CR is much less than your character level, it lists the monster as "Effortless." If it sees that they are very close, it may list "Moderate," "Challenging" or "Very Difficult."
If it sees that the monster's CR is 5 levels higher than your character level, it lists the monster as "Impossible."
In your case, Darktongue is a level 14 fighter, so he was in fact listed as impossible being over 5 CR away from your character level.
For some reason though, the amount of experience you get for killing "Impossible" monsters changes as you level up. Off the top of my head I seem to remember it goes something like this:
Level 1: 500 exp.
Level 2: 400 exp.
Level 3: 385 exp.
Level n: xxx exp.
Level 20: 285 exp.
For some reason though, this amount begins to vary around level 5 and 6 and it will waver between 320 experience and around 400 - 500 exp. This is assuredly a joke on behalf of Bioware.
It just so happens, however, that 595 exp. is the very most experience you can get from any monster at any given time. That much I remember, because I can't remember having ever seen anything higher than that number.
It just so happened that you were able to find an "impossible" monster to fight at the right level to get the right amount of exp.
If you want to research this further, I suggest that you make a custom mod whereby you spawn easy to kill bad guys. Chickens, cows, goblins and small bratty children work the best in my experience (I commonly refer to them as "Meat"). In their creature properties, modify their Challenge Rating to +125. Or at the very least +26. Go into the game and in approximately 30 minutes you should be able to verify what I've been telling you.
At a later date, I may catalogue the amount of experience that you can receive for each difficulty type, for each level when playing solo for each class.
Bioware has made the way experience is calculated more complex than the fractal forest. They are surely laughing their asses off reading this.
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 12:15 am
by ForgotenWarrior
Eriks and Dezarond, its a normal reaction to check how much experience you got for the red dragon who is one of the toughest foes in neverwinter or baldurs gate 2, for that matter. I mean the tougher the opponent the more xp you get, thats what it should be. But, with neverwinter exp system, it'll always be a mystery to me how I can get almost 600 exp for a dwarven fighter, even if he is 6 levels higher than me, and get around 380 exp for the red dragon who is MUCH tougher than the dwarf. Though to think of it, the dwarf was very tough in hardest difficulty (280 life at level 14, are you kidding me, my dwarven fighter had around 225 with grimgnaw's ammy +4, at level 15) , havent had a chance to fight the red dragon yet, will get there soon enough
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 12:19 am
by ForgotenWarrior
Someone can test this out : go and kill that guy at level 8 on hardest difficulty. I'm sure you'll get somethin close to the exp that I got for him.
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 3:07 am
by baudib
I gotta say, racking up the XP in NWN is not nearly as satisfying as in BGII. When you kill Firk or something and get 60,000 XP, man that is nice. Now, I know it's a different scale and all, but still. If you were to solo Firk in BGII, you'd probably gain half a level if you're around 8-10th level! That never happens in NWN.
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 4:32 am
by Nippy
Originally posted by ForgotenWarrior
I mean the tougher the opponent the more xp you get, thats what it should be.
Remember Warrior that 3rd Edition involves the scaling of experience. In 2nd edition no matter what level you were you got a set amount of experience. In 3rd edition your amount of experience affects what you recieve from other people, this is why. When you are weaker (less experience) then you have a smaller chance to kill someone stronger than you. The stronger you are the less experience you get because it is less of a challenge.
Cleared up?
Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 10:42 am
by ForgotenWarrior
I know this for sure cuz I got good memory, you get precisely 64,000 for the red dragon in bg2 hehe ( I'm a math minor so I gotta have good memory)