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Need Rogue

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 6:49 pm
by cronyn
I have a three character party. Barb, sorc and Cleric of Mask. They are min/max to some extent. My question is, will I need a Rogue in chapter 2 and beyond (im presently in chapter 1 and have not needed one.) and will I be able to survive in the later chapters with this party with some success (not having to use power word :reload, all the time.) Dont really want to get to far and find I am getting fubar.

Thanks all

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 7:05 pm
by fable
Put it this way: you need somebody in your party who has maxed out rogue skills to detect traps (and there are some pretty potent ones ahead) plus opening chests, if nothing else.