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A litlle help.. (Please)

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:26 am
by Nero
Hello everybody

I've got a new question, cause I'm new and still need a lot of help to find ou these forums. I know that when you've been here for a little time you pretty much know everything to find out, but I'm new and theres much I dont know.

So... I wrote a thread, or actually two threads and they had a message icon(?) It showed a closed envelope but now it shows an opened envelope with letters in...

What does that mean and why did it change??

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:49 am
by UserUnfriendly

i think if you are talking about this forum the letters refer to whether or not you have looked in the thread since someone last posted....

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 6:13 am
by Nero

I'm sorry that I'm writing every #ยค& word wrong

I know its Little but I'm writing fast and I aint checking for mistakes!

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 7:14 am
by Littiz
Nero, don't bother with spelling, I used too, then I discovered that forum members are rather intuitive!!!!!!
(One needs to, to understand User's posts... :D :p )