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Watcher's Keep level 4 order of oils *spoiler?*

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 11:36 pm
by spillmind
ok, OK!

I have been digging for too long to figure out the order of the oils. I *have* the red, the blue, the purple... I *see* the colors on the two rooms.... that much is simple~ but jeez, from the top

the three on the left go, red, red, purple?

the three on the right go purple, blue, red???

this shtuff is drivin a brotha crazy... everyone is saying follow the paterns on the floor, duh, right???? i guess i coulda tried every possible combo by now instead of posting and digging up an avatar :p

help, please???

am i really that color blind???

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 12:00 am
by spillmind
for gawds sake *spoiler*

i really am color blind :(

blue, purple, red, to the right

red, red purple to the left....

hold your applause, please! *__*