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How much intelligence and wisdom?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 2:32 am
by lompo
Which is the optimal level of intelligence for wizards and wisdom for druids/clerics?
For wizards you need minimum 19 for cast 9th lev. spells, while Dr./Cl. needs minimum 17 Wis fo 7th lev. spells, but is it worthing to pump those stats above that numbers or extra ability points should be more efficiently devoted to other ability?

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 12:37 pm
by Virgil57
IMO your main wiz should have at least 19 int, cleiric/druid at least 19 wis, and a sorce shoud have very high charisma. The 9th level spells are worth it! It is also important to remember that you do not need these stats at the start of the game. IWD2 uses the point buy system. Which gives each character an additional stat point every 4 levels. This mean if your you char starts with 16 or 17 in their prime spell casting atribute, you could get them up to 19 by the time they gain acces to 9th level spells. While this will allow for better stats in other attributes, many classes bonus spells will also be determened by their primary attribute. Therefore, you need to decide what is more important to your character 1-3 attribute points other than primary casting ability, or bonus spells.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:57 am
by lompo
Thanks for the answer.
About the bonus spell, do they get them only at the char. creation based on the starting stats or if you increase your spellcasting stats during the game you get the extra bonus spells
Anyway I think I will start my cleric/druid with 16 wis and I will raise the stats to 18 during the game, while my wizard will start with 18 (good for skill points) and will end at 19.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:59 am
by Virgil57
The bonus spells are calcuated based on your current stats, so if you increase an attribute via leveling up it is possible that you will gain more bonus spells.