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Wolf Charm

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:12 am
by DraedLord
Has any one been able to win the Wolf Charm from Goran the Trader at the Salty Dog? Have tried but .......

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:08 am
by Baldrick
Originally posted by DraedLord
Has any one been able to win the Wolf Charm from Goran the Trader at the Salty Dog? Have tried but .......
First run i won it with my Monk at 20 strenght
So it might have something to do with strenght
Might be Con to dno just try winning it with a char with high strenght or Con

You can pickpocket it to so :) saves you some cash

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:35 am
by HighLordDave
I think it has to do with CON; I had my barbarian (CON 18) go against Goran and she won it the first time.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:43 am
by fable
It's definitely CON. If you have an 18 CON there shouldn't be any problem in winning it.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:42 pm
by cjdevito
Actually, you just need 16 CON and you're fine.