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What do you think of my party??

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2002 2:01 am
by aragornchewi
I'm not really far in the game (I've just leave the town).

Here's my party:

Hagar du Nord: Human Male Fighter Niv 4 Neutral good
Chewi: Half-orc Male Barbarian Niv 4 chaotic good
Alina: Aasimar Female Paladin Niv 4 Lawful good
Gimli: Shield Dwarf Male Cleric Niv 4 neutral good
Aria: Wild Elf Female Rogue Niv 3 Ranger Niv 1 chaotic good
Garnet: Drow Female Abjurer Niv 5 chaotic good (I think it's that alignement)

What do you think of it??? Have I done some mistakes when creating my party or multi classing (ex: my rogue with 1 level of ranger, will she lost a lot of experience because of that??)?? Do you have any advice for my next Levels up???

I'll maybe put the stats later... I'm at work for now :)


Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:27 am
by BlackJesus666
You better chose a Gold-Dwarf for your Cleric.

Shield-Dwarf : Cha malus
Gold-Dwarf : Dex malus

But doesn´t matter that much. I think it´s quite a good team.

Although they´re all good-aligned :(

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:31 am
by aragornchewi
Well that's because I like good party :)

But I prefer to have a malus in charisma than dex..... that's why I choose the shield dwarf.

Thanks for your comment.