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Ice Palace room with frozen lock - Spoilers

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2002 6:39 pm
by der Moench
There is a room, just to the west of the room with thelightning generator. It's door is locked, and described as having the lock frozen over, and unaccessible from this side (the corridor side).

How the heck do you get in there? :confused:

Thanks, in advance. :cool:

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 5:04 am
by BlackJesus666
Mahlzeit !

Near the stairs you reached that Level is a picture on the wall.
So you have to get back to the upper Level.
Examine it. You will have different Dialogue options that will take you to different loactions, within the Ice Palace, on going down the stairs.

Could be you have to talk to the Abhishais or that wizard near the lightning generator to be able to reach all the locations.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 7:10 am
by der Moench
Gruess Gott!

Yo, BlackJesus666; I swear I have tried every option of that painting ... and I have spoken with the Abishabi and the wizard ... :confused: I'll go back and try again.

Thanks for the reply. :cool:

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 7:32 am
by der Moench
Kein Problem

Never mind - I just got it.

FYI (for anyone having the same problem) you have to kill all three of the sisters before the last dialogue option appears in the painting. ;)

Toodles. :cool: