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chap3:snow globe (spoilers)

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 7:48 am
by paavo
do you have to kill the dragon before you can repair the amulet of the ages? because I dont stand a chance against the dragon. I have repaired the crack on the amulet but I dont know how to enchance it with magic.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 10:21 am
by Yuusuke

No, repairing the amulet first allows you to have a much easier time of defeating the dragon. Simply having it in your inventory weakens him. The problem with having the amulet is that he senses its presence and attacks you first if you get close enough. So if you want to cast protection spells and what not, you have to do it earlier.

To repair the amulet, simply go enter the dwarven half of the snow globe to get it repaired, and then enter the dryad half of the snow globe and have them re-enchant it.

When you enter the dragon's lair again with the amulet, he say something like, "Arg you have the Amulet of Ages, now die!" I'm paraphrasing, of course.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 1:44 pm
by paavo
but the dryads will not talk to me. they just attack me on sight.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 10:07 pm
by Xandax
Spoilet, highlight to read:

Exit the snowglobe and turn/twist it.
Now everything in the globe should be "turned around" so the Dwarfs will attack you and the Dryads want to talk to you.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 12:51 am
by Delacroix
BTW, infinite XP here. If you have a high AC(probably empowered by magic spells)[25-30], and a ridicoulous MR of at least 10-12, any item of regeneration, you can kill about infinite dryads.

The dwarfs are a little more dificult.

BTW2: I read somewhere that the Dragon cannot get out or cannot get in again to his cave if he left it. So, you can attack him get out/in re-prepare and attack him again.[I'm not certanly about this, I do not test it.]

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:59 pm
by Rheomyr
I don't know if Dragons can travel in-out the cave, but you certainly cannot get out via the gate during the battle: it is closed (magically?). The only means of getting out to heal is the teleportation stone.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 12:41 am
by Loredweller
IMHO, the stone doesn't work here (the same way as in the Morag's inner sanctum).

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 8:06 pm
by Rheomyr
Well, with the current patch you CAN both leave the cave and teleport to the temple during the fight with the Dragon. The Dragon stays inside. Without the patch the gate was locked but I as far as I remember the teleportation stone worked. Since everybody is patched now, it does not really matter.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 6:51 am
by Xyx
What class do you play? I was playing a cleric and simply cast Harm on the thing. 350 damage, dead dragon one hit later.

That Dragon Fear is annoying, though.

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 9:29 pm
by Rheomyr
I played fighter-rogue. I had some piece of armor on me (helmet, I think) which gave me immunity to fear among other benefits. I shredded that pitiful Dragon to confetti within 20 seconds or so.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2002 7:44 am
by Straydog
With my rogue, I trapped whole place with firetraps, and then went to repair the amulet. After that, I came back and "Aargh, you have the Amulet of Ages, die puny one!" stuff. Shot few arrows to encourage the dragon, and run around the place so he stomped in every trap. Poof! Dead dragon. :p

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 11:32 am
by energybeast47
wait a secondd!!!

im get my ass wooped !! im a level 14 sorc and i get creamed even though i got hench familiar, and smmon of huge elemental!!! wut up wit dat i need to not suc so much...oh well... any strats on wut i should do!?

that dragon
sure is hard