need help in Puzzle Canal
Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 2:29 pm
I must be slow...
I'm trying to complete the Temple pilgrimage that has to do with the Puzzle Canal. The 'Pilgrim's Path' states that I will have to give a silver longswortd to a Daedra and read the inscription in the center of the Canal. OK - I found the center area by entering through Puzzle Canal level 3. I found the inscription, but there was no Daedra. The inscription said something about breathing the water of the glory of Vivec, or some such thing. Across the chamber was what appeared to be a force field shielding another area. I levitated over, but could not figure out how to penetrate the barrier. Please help the dope...
I'm trying to complete the Temple pilgrimage that has to do with the Puzzle Canal. The 'Pilgrim's Path' states that I will have to give a silver longswortd to a Daedra and read the inscription in the center of the Canal. OK - I found the center area by entering through Puzzle Canal level 3. I found the inscription, but there was no Daedra. The inscription said something about breathing the water of the glory of Vivec, or some such thing. Across the chamber was what appeared to be a force field shielding another area. I levitated over, but could not figure out how to penetrate the barrier. Please help the dope...