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Jaheira Romance Please Help (I know, overdone topic)

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:15 am
by EtherImp
Okay, heres the deal. I have gone through most of the game trying to finish each quest before moving on to the next chapter. Therefor, I am still on chapter 2 with 96 days of Gametime and I have killed the Red Dragon, and done probably 85-90% of the quests that you can do in the 2nd chapter, with the exception of specific NPC mini-quests, evil quest, etc.

I have paid little attention to game time as far as my romance with Jaheira and have pretty much just taken it "naturally".. Tried to respond to her to make her happy with me and do the right thing but otherwise not fretted over it to much. However, I have noticed that it seems my romance is stuck with her and I do not know why, and would like to fix it. Below I will list as many variables from shadowkeeper that I can find relating to the romance and hopefully somebody here can give me some hints to help me out. Any such advice would be greatly appreciated.. Here we go:

Character = Male, Neutral Good, Half-Elf Ranger.
Level: 12
Reputation: 20

(Local Variables)

(Global Variables)

* - I have tried deleting that and continuing with the romance but not sure if it accomplished anything or not.

My other theory is that my reputation of 20 is maybe too much for her neutral character and therefor the romance will not continue. Is this true or untrue? (She is unhappy as a neutral character, with a reputation of a hero, 20.)

Again, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:39 am
by Sojourner
Reputation has no effect on your romance with Jaheira. Do you have ToB installed?

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 9:47 am
by ARcheR_S_
Try resting outside (preferably something like Umarhills or Druid grove)........often this triggers a dialog.

If this doesnt work, pause the game for about a hour or so.....this could work also.

According to me your varaibles are pretty okay.......I just think "something" needs to happen in order to continue the romance


Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 10:33 am
by Thrar
according to the romance guide, the romance is still going on (JAHEIRAROMANCEACTIVE: 1), and ready to initiate the next dialogue (LT: 52).
At this point, try going somewhere 'outdoors', which is at least every district in Athkatla and Nalia Keep, not sure about windspear, trademeet, umar hills and ruins, but certainly not druids grove. You dont have to do anything, Dermin should appear right away.

At least that is whats supposed to happen, and the only reason (unless bugged) for the romance to stop here - an even LT value means the next dialogue will happen asap.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 11:07 am
by hwttdz
I did make it all the way through the SoA part of the Jaheria romance in a game with ToB and one patch installed without having to use shadowkeeper or anything. I did very much the same thing you described. Once I finished all the topside quests I continued with the main game quest. I had to wait just a little bit before going to pick a fight with Bodhi but then the romance finished up. I'd save a backup copy then try proceding as normal. Could be a waste of time if it dosen't finish up but there really is nothing to do topside in chapter 2 after a while.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 11:17 am
by gnomethingy

Did you buy the keepsake locket for her at the docks? (I think thats a necessary component for the romance)

Have you had the bit where the theives attack you at night?

Im not very experianced with the Jaihera romance, maybe one of those things will help

Try doing everything everyone had posted.. see how it helps, if not.. try messing with the variables yourself, but as always.. be very carefull with your saves so you can go back if it messes it up

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 11:23 pm
by Sojourner
The locket is not necessary for the romance. ;) If you have ToB installed without the patch, Jaheira's romance will stall due to scripting errors, right at LOVETALK = 52.

You can manually advance it by highlighting Jaheira's portrait and entering the following at the console:


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 1:50 am
by kopywrite

Talking of CLAUConsole, does anyone know what you'd use to trigger the descent to hell following the fight with Irenicus at the Tree of Life? (Still having trouble with this section... :rolleyes: :mad: )

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 3:18 am
by EtherImp
I don't have ToB installed. Never have. I did however install the patches after the problem was already there. (If there is indeed a problem.)

It has been ALOT of time and ALOT of gamedays since jaheira has last spoke to me.

I suppose I will try manually advancing.. maybe.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 5:41 am
by EtherImp
14. Sleep (Wild) Bandits appear and take Jaheira hostage. After which Meronia appears and tells Jaheira to follow her. Jaheira leaves the party.
15. Sleep Jaheira returns and tells you to go with her to the Harper Hold.
16. Trigger Event Confrontation with Galvarey at the Harper hold.
17. Pause 'So, what do you think of Amn so far?'
18. Pause 'We have had many people seek our death so far.'
19. Pause 'Again I must say how much I prefer the forest to artificial structures.'
20. Pause 'I have been in a similar place as this before, though it was in the company of other Harpers.'
21. Pause Reviane spawns and tells Jaheira that she will suffer a traitor's death.
22. Pause 'Skies are a bit gray no matter where we go, aren't they?'
23. Pause 'This may be a bad time or not, but I think we should speak..'
24. Pause 'There is an ill wind in the air.' Dermin appears for the first time.
25. Pause 'Blast, my armour needs some cleaning.'
26. Pause 'Your old injuries feeling alright?'
27. Pause 'So ... could I ... have a few moments of your time?'
28. Pause 'I ... I need to speak with you a moment.'
29. Pause 'How ... how did that battle make you feel?' Dermin comes again and this time warns Jaheira that the Harper court has decided her fate.
30. Sleep When you wake up you will find that Jaheira is no longer in your party. Terminsel shows up and gives you a note from Jaheira.
31. Trigger Event Go back to Harper Hold and get Jaheira back.
32. Pause 'Ah, the dawning of our day, though it is very rarely that we match our sleep to the cycle of day or night.'
33. Sleep (Wild) Dermin tries to kill Jaheira.
34. Sleep 'It is about time we rested. I have seen enough waking hours thank you very much.'
35. Pause 'What? What is it you want?'
36. Pause 'You needn't keep a distance between us.'
37. Sleep 'I have ... had a realization.'
38. Pause 'We have to be nearing our goal.'
39. Sleep This scene is when Jaheira propositions you.
40. Pause 'Terminsel' comes back and asks Jaheira some questions. If your reputation is >= 10 she gets the Harper Pin and you get a boatload of XP.
I am stuck directly after 29..

If I turn back the "lovetalk" to 51, and go back into the game I immediately recieve the "How did that battle make you feel?" .. According to the Jaheira Romance WalkThrough posted on these forums long ago, (quoted above), this is where dermin is supposed to show up and you're supposed to take care of part of the harper quest. According to shadowkeeper:


DerminSpawn :

1 - set after death of Galvarey with counter 5 days of game time (if there are no romance), or after lovetalk=40 dialogue
2 - change to this value after 5 days + 1st dialogue with Dermin or after lovetalk=40 (Jaheiraj.dlg file with this dialogue)
3 - value after dialogue - 2nd meeting with Dermin after 6 days of game time
4 - after 6 days + 2nd dialogue with Dermin (jadermin.dlg)
5 - value after 1st meeting with Termisel. (jatermin.dlg)
6 - change to this value after 2 days of gametime. 3rd meeting with Dermin.
7 - after dialogue with Dermin during 3rd meeting (Jaheiraj.dlg)
8 - when we kill Dermin and co.
9 - After dialogue with Jaheira (Jaheiraj.dlg). Condition for 2nd Terminsel's appearance.
10 - After 2nd Termisel visit

JaheiraHarperPlot : controls Jaheira's Harper quests.
0 - no Harper plot
1 - set when Xzar's / Rylock's quests are finished and in case of romance additionally Bandit plot is finished
2 - Jaheira returns to the party (after Meronia's call)
3 - set after she returned to the party

JaheiraBanditPlot :
1 - bandits appears outside the city after rest.
2 - after bandits appearance.
9 - after dialogue with Jaheira
10 - bandit plot finished

1 - set after 2nd meeting with Dermin (jadermin.dlg)
2 - set if party rests outside the city (Jaheira goes to Harper Hold)
3 - set after we rejoin with Jaheira in Harper Hold.
4 - set when Dermin was killed and JaheiraRomanceActive=2 (lovetalk>58). Terminsel will appear after 5 days of game time.

Now lets plug in the variables according to my game, here's where I am at:

LoveTalk: 52 "How did that battle make you feel?"

Derminspawn: 9 - After dialogue with Jaheira (Jaheiraj.dlg). Condition for 2nd Terminsel's appearance.

JaheiraHarperPlot: 3 - set after she returned to the party

JaheiraBanditPlot: 9 - after dialogue with Jaheira ???

TerminselSpawn: 3 - set after we rejoin with Jaheira in Harper Hold.

Okay.. That's fine.. But what about the timeline here according to the walk through?!

Is there anyway I can rewind or fast forward the romance (according to numerous variables?) that will set me on the right track? I don't care if I get all of the love talk sequences as I have probably already heard them anyway, I just got stuck having to reload a previous game. As long as I don't miss out on any items/experience, I am fine... In fact, I don't even care if I do, so long as I get the romance back to where it's supposed to be.

Please, somebody help.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 12:15 pm
by Sojourner

Which patches do you have installed? Have you tried installing Manveru's Updated Improved Jaheira Romance/Harper Plot? Jaheira's romance was very buggy and prone to stalling pre-ToB, which none of the official patches for SoA fixed.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 3:07 pm
by EtherImp
Yes. I installed that. Unfortunately I don't think it "Fixes" anything unless you re-start the game/romance. :\