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Heart Of Fury

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 2:30 am
by Galar
Never tried Heart of Fury and just load the game. Is it really cool?
Usually I played in solo in normal mode for all RPG so far. Not use in team. So for HOF, I plan:
2 paladins
1 sorcerer.max/fighter4
1 wizard
1 clerc
1 rogue7/wizard.max/ranger1
Any suggestion?

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:24 am
by cjdevito
Sure. Dump the paladins as underpowered fighters, keep one level of paladin on one character and otherwise ignore the class. On anyone you can get away with it, multi in enough levels of cleric to get at least the heal spell, if not the mass heal spell -- potions are useless in HOF mode, and only heal/mass heal heals enough damage quickly enough to be worthwhile. Consider adding a monk.

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:47 am
by Schwoebli
you could also take 2 levels of paladin, then you will get aura of courage.

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2002 10:32 am
by Wraithus Dire
Possible Spoilers, maybe

Party looks good, maybe a little tank-lite.

I recall some beaties hitting for 108 points of damage.

I'm @ chapter 2 in HOF mode, 4-person party. My Sorceror has 68% of the kills by her lonesome.
Frankly, the beasties deal too much damage for my fighter tank. My thief (if he enters combat) make a few good hits and then is pummeled, dead before my cleric can heal him. In fact, I have the cleric just start cranking out Heal spells as soon as monsters start attacking.

My sorceror does far better on her own - leaves the party behind and pummels the enemies with mass-damage spells.

The only place that doesn't work in the screen changes that dump you right into combat (see, basically, every screen change) or the whelps in Chapt 1 who can see inviso.

Question: Do you get xp for kills that are made my a summoned creature or gated daemon?

Have fun, Heart of Fury is more fun than anyone should be allowed to have.


Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2002 4:19 pm
by Chris Boney
I'm trying to start a game in HOF mode with level 1 characters (entering the world naked, of course)
I tell you, it's a pain. My best party managed to become level 4, but then I had to cheat them all to level 6 before entering the goblin infested house in the docks, because there were about fifteen goblins attacking at once.

My party, consists of:
5x [dwarf barbarian, 20 con, 13 int- expertise, toughness feat] :-)
1x [aasimar cleric]

The battle was won after a long, furious fight: The five dwarves charged in everytime, fully buffed, took to take out one goblin (after a dozen tries), then escaped... awfully wounded of course :)

Those dwarves are predestined to spend all gained statpoints into constitution :-) )