This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I was told by him to see him after I leveld up. So after killing the leader of the fighters guild ( becoming the leader myself. I saw him and went to another thieves guild leader ( big Helinde) and was promoted to where he said I should be. Well He isn't there and I would like to become leader of the theives guild before going on to finding the blades and the imperial cult for quests. ( I'm already the leader of the Mages, Fighters, Imperial Legion and Temple guilds)
Thank you in advance
May the Good Lord Keep You Always in his loving Arms!
I just checked a walkthrough site cause i ran into the same problem. Apparently, he disappears once you kill Hard-Heart the head of the fighters guild. He has a bunch of other quests to give you so if you can go back, mention Bal Molagmer to him and do those quests first.
It's way too late for me to do that; I'll keep asking around for him. If I find him again, I'll let you know.
Looks like I'll never become head of the Thieves guild tho.