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Moderator Nominations

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:11 pm
by BuckGB
First of all, let me apologize for not spending more time here in the forums keeping all of you up-to-date. I've recently moved and am getting situated, with my spare time going towards playing NWN/Icewind Dale II, keeping up on the Flashlink admin side, upgrading these forums, posting RPG news every day, and other fun stuff.

As many of you already know, Mr. Sleep requested to be removed as a moderator of SYM. As much as I didn't want to see him go, I granted his request, but agree that he was a vital part of these forums and will need to be replaced.

Therefore, I'd like to hear some suggestions from all of you on who you feel would make a good moderator here in SYM. Please try to keep your posts short and to the point, by simply stating who you feel would make a good moderator and why. Once we get a list of people, I'll set up a poll so all of you can vote on who you'd like to see get the position.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:17 pm
by dragon wench
I nominate Gwally, as I did in the other threads. He possesses very sound judgement, has a great sense of humour and is one of the most even-keeled members of this board. :)

I also think Maharlika would be a good mod for the same reasons, and he lives in Asia...which would work well if we want somebody in a time zone other than North America. :)

Neither Gwally nor Mah really participate extensively in controversial discussions.... While I know this can be done as a mod, IMO it would be preferable to have somebody who is not generally prone to doing so... :)

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:25 pm
by Yshania
I have suggested people already. Some I sense are not interested for one reason or another, but I will list them again :)

CE - she would be a great candidate, she is open minded, patient and informed :) Also, she shares the alternative time zone...

If not, in no particular order, then:


They all have qualities that are respected, they are fun and friendly, and wise ;) I like Minerva's suggestion that Mr Flibble could counter the Weasel invasion too :D (btw - thank you very much for your nomination, but you have it right ;) )

Whoever gets it - Ysh will look after them of course :D :p ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:25 pm
by Aqua-chan
Hm.. I'd have to say somebody who is around descently often and can track down us little problem causers... :D Off the top of my head, I'd think maybe HLD because he is so experienced in the threads. CE would make a good Moderator, though I really doubt she wants the job. Bloodstalker would make in interesting Mod, but I don't think anyone can actually replace Sleep. :( :)

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:26 pm
by Scayde
Hello Buck,
It's very nice to meet you. I think Maharlika would be a wonderful choice. He is Inteligent, even tempered, respectful of other people, not a controversial type personality, on the board daily, and lives in a time zone which compliments the other mods...

I know there are many very good choices, (BS, Gwally,HLD) and I think any of them would also be splendid. The Time zone would be the tie breaker for me....

BTW, Thanks for asking

edit: Having not known that Mr Flibble also is in the same time zone as Mah, I would have to amend my list to include him...Sorry I can't narrow it down more than that.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:30 pm
by Tybaltus
Well Ive boiled the list down to 3 people.

HighLordDave-He seems like a great mod, and it seems that everyone of SYM also thinks so. He has shown an inquisitive side at SYM, as far as I can tell. He obviously isnt a trouble maker and he also is a frequent visitor. He has his own POV, which, I believe is important in SYM.

Mr Flibble-He is quite knowledgable in the fields of computers and also seems to be a friendly yet neutral SYMer. A couple of important things for an SYMer. Hes a daily visitor, and he also is part of the other side of the world in comparison to Fable and T'Lainya. He could fill the void in time that could be an issue.

C Elegans-She, like HighLordDave, also has proven to have a good strong POV and also has shown an inquisitive side. She is one of the nicest people here at SYM (Heck, everyones nice! :) ) and can show authority in situations that need them. Sometimes when bad things are said, she is one of the first people to show up and straighten things out if there isnt a mod that gets there first (at least Ive noticed this twice). So she also works well for the position of moderator, if she wants it.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:47 pm
by Dottie
If CM wants to do the job I would nominate him. It would increase the cultural diversity of the mods, and he's in a different time zone. He is also imo one of the most level headed and clear-sighted persons on this board, always cabable of seeing both sides of the coin.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 4:56 pm
by Lazarus
Too many good people!

Like Dragon Wench, I think mods should keep their opinions on "controversial" subjects to a minimum ... I guess from the people put forth so far, I would vote for Bloodstalker. I don't think I have seen him anywhere except bar threads! ;) And he seems to be around a lot ... but Gwalchmai, Maharlika, and Ned Flanders all seem to fit the bill, too.

Thanks for asking us, Buck. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 6:11 pm
by Minerva
I nominate Mr Flibble, Gwalchmai, and Bloodstalker.

I think there are fewer European (resident) regular members in the SYM these days... :(

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 8:33 pm
by Tamerlane
For timezone purposes I would nominate Maharalika.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 8:45 pm
by The Z
HLD....It's just a gut feeling....instinct is powerful.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2002 11:24 pm
by Maharlika
Mr. Flibble...

...considering his time zone as well as having constant/regular access to the net. I think his work is similar to Mr Sleep's, and hopefully his RL work also complements his potential job of being a mod.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 12:46 am
by Beldin
I say I say I say....

BS - he's around reasonably often, and he doesn't get into Political discussions.

Ned - see BS.

CE - She's on the european timeline and I suspect she's lurking more than she lets on.. ;)

Minerva - level headed, resonable and intelligent (if sometimes a little erratic ;) ) .

Ysh - see CE.

Eerhardt - (sorry mate, I HAVE to do this ;) ) - hangs around the place most of the time, has some technical experience, keeps :cool: and doesn't get into political/religious topics ...

Make your pick, Big Bucky-o ! :D ;)

No worries,

Beldin :cool:

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:02 am
by Eerhardt
My nominations are:

BS: has been a member for quite some time, knows his way around SYM, is on a lot of the time.
Mr Flibble: sound judgement and lives in a different time zone, with access to GB.
HLD: from what I've seen, HLD tries to be objective as much as possible. His impeccable timing is an asset ;) .
Mah: knows SYM, also lives in a different timezone and I think he would make a very conscientious moderator.

@Beldin: thanks for considering me, mate :cool: . But like I said in the other thread, I think SLURRing and moderating causes a conflict of interest ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 3:56 am
by Rob-hin
How about some info on what you need the moderator to do. Other then the ovious that is.
I a post by sleep, he said he needed to read all the posts on the board. This is a lot of work, and perhaps people don't really know what else is needed to be a mod.
And what about the timezones?

I'd imagine there is some more things that should or should not be done by a mod.

Other that that, I'd go for HLD. :)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:06 am
by Minerva
@Buck: I'd like to add to Rob-hin's post. I wonder what T'laniya and fable think. They might be happy to take care of the SYM by themselves, at least for a while, as we used to have only two mods before (I think). Or, either of them might be considering stepping down as well, though I sincerely hope it's not the case. How about wait until fable comes back from his holiday?

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:23 am
by Weasel
I will still put forth HLD, and the main reason, I asked him beforehand yesterday if he would like to be a mod. He replied back that he would be happy to be one. With Mr. Sleep I always had a bad feeling I helped push him into something he might have not liked to do. I did not at that time ask him beforehand...this time I tried to make sure I wasn't asking someone to do something they might have regrets about doing.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:42 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Weasel
I will still put forth HLD, and the main reason, I asked him beforehand yesterday if he would like to be a mod. He replied back that he would be happy to be one. With Mr. Sleep I always had a bad feeling I helped push him into something he might have not liked to do. I did not at that time ask him beforehand...this time I tried to make sure I wasn't asking someone to do something they might have regrets about doing.

I will admit that at first I was hesitant about moderating SYM and perhaps I was coerced but if i really didn't want to do it I would have said. It is a rewarding experience and it made me less of an outsider, I honestly don't regret it.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:46 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
I honestly don't regret it.

So we can expect you to still hang around.... ;) ...??

No worries,

Beldin :cool:

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:10 am
by Weasel
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
I will admit that at first I was hesitant about moderating SYM and perhaps I was coerced but if i really didn't want to do it I would have said. It is a rewarding experience and it made me less of an outsider, I honestly don't regret it.

My comments were not meant as a jibe to you Mr.Sleep. ;) (Just so the thought is not there) If anything, it was a jibe at myself.