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Jaheira romance questions

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 5:38 pm
by Virgil57
Everything was goingwell right up until Dermin showed up to kill Jaheira. I killed him, but ever since then nothing. I have used the pause technique, waited around forever, and slept about million times everywhere I could think of. Any suggestions or am I just out luck?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 11:44 pm
by Garcia
First of all the easiest thing to do is to search for the answer in old posts (there are like a million or so ;) ) just press search on the top-right of the screen and write "Jaheira romance" and there will be a complete romance walkthrough.
Just remember that waiting isn't always enough sometimes it has to be trigger to move on plus it has a few bugs that can cause the romance to frizz.

welcome to the Banshee :)

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2001 10:51 pm
by eschew
...but you should get a dialogue from her *as soon as the fight is over*. allowing for spells cast during the fight to time out as well.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2001 2:55 am
by Loredweller
Most probably you've allowed Dermin's 3rd visit too early. You might check lovetalk with Jaheira, it should be at least 55 now. If less, you have a trouble. Let you search back the list, there have been several threads regarding those matters, two at least very complete and competent.

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Loredweller ]