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Time to say B.G...

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 3:26 am
by Beldin
...B.G. - that stands for Bill Gates ;) .

I like the sound of that: Lindows ....Hmmmm - has a certain ring to it, hasn't it ?

Waddayasay, people of SYM ??

No worries,


Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 3:51 am
by Eerhardt
Let's hear it for Lindows :D ! Though I doubt I can persuade the company to switch... ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 3:56 am
by Mr Flibble
Nice idea, but there's a reason I like Windows - it gives me a job to do :D :D

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:06 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Mr Flibble
Nice idea, but there's a reason I like Windows - it gives me a job to do :D :D

...time to expand your abilities then... ;) :D ....

No worries, MS won't die of it, but I like to know that they still feel pain like other mortals do...Image...

Beldin :cool:

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:09 am
by Mr Flibble
Originally posted by Beldin
...time to expand your abilities then... ;) :D ....

No worries, MS won't die of it, but I like to know that they still feel pain like other mortals do...Image...

Beldin :cool:

Yep. But at the moment there are so many opportunities fixing crappy windows systems to pass up. :D

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:16 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Mr Flibble
Yep. But at the moment there are so many opportunities fixing crappy windows systems to pass up. :D

..been there, done that....but that was some time ago...when I did 1st level Win95 support for "SOHO" (=Small Office/Home Office) users for BULL Computers...
**takes a quick trip down memory lane**

The Internet was quite new for us then...nearly no one had (edit: internet-) access at home....and most user-problems were of the "PEBKAC" variety...

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:18 am
by Rob-hin
When I read this topic's titel for the first time, I thought you were leaving. :(
Then I figured BG would have to be GB. :)

But I'd like to say goodby the the moneywolf Bill... in my own sensitive way. :D (involves pain, lots of pain for him)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:18 am
by Mr Flibble
Originally posted by Beldin
..been there, done that....but that was some time ago...when I did 1st level Win95 support for "SOHO" (=Small Office/Home Office) users for BULL Computers...
**takes a quick trip down memory lane**

The Internet was quite new for us then...nearly no one had acess at home....and most user-problems were of the "PEBKAC" variety...

Yep, that's mostly what I'm doing these days, but more towards the small business market, so a fair bit of networking included to.
Love those user-error ones. :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:19 am
by Beldin
Originally posted by Rob-hin
When I read this topic's titel for the first time, I thought you were leaving. :(

That was the's no fun if everyone KNOWS what you're talking about at first sight... ;) :D

EDIT: @Flibble: ENJOY, if you didn't already know this one...