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HELP!!! lightning and shadow doors...priestess who breaks staff...SPOILERS?

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:12 pm
by Oliver DeBurrow
cant figure out how to open lightning and shadow doors, or how to kill the ***** that breaks her staff. also, how do you make it thru all the battle squares? doing all those battles is really annoying.

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 3:24 pm
by Jaff
The big machine in the center room... You need to shoot that everywhere besides the west. to get the doors open. Some you need to use the painting to teleport into it to unlock the door from the inside. About the girl with the staff...I just beat the crap out of her. Then after she goes into the other plane world...You need to go to the battle square(bottom right) and change planes. Then you will be in the other plane and she won't...proceed to kill her.
Hope that helped.