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I swear I killed them all... (SPOILER)

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 11:24 am
by BlackJesus666
Remember that Duergar, that want to get rid of the Monks of Black Raven Monastary ??

First Quest the leader, Barud Barzam, gives you is to clean the area of monsters. Second would be to kill all the monks...

I swear I cleaned the whole area. I already killed all the monks and cleared the cave before of the little White Dragons...
All those Hook Horrors or whatever are dead.

There is noone left, and still I don´t get the dialog option to end the Quest.

I don´t want to miss that XP, since I already killed the monks and decided not to go through the 8 Chambers.

I want GOLD, XP and MAGICAL ITEMS, ´cos I worked hard.

Is this a bug ? Anyone hat problems with that ??
(I think I solved it in my first run, but didn´t kill the monks afterwards....)

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 12:15 pm
by HighLordDave
Go to the SW area of the map, near your entry point and there is a door area to another part of the map. There are a bunch of gelatinous cubes and jellies that you need to kill in addition to the hook horrors if you're going to claim your prize from the drueger.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2002 2:14 pm
by BlackJesus666
Already killed them dude :)

In case I had not slayed them, I wouldn´t have(grammar?) access to the duergar nest at all, because you find that key there.

Thx anyway.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 8:23 am
by BlackJesus666
Figured out the problem:

It´s a bug due to the splitting slimes in this area.

***Link removed***

I KNEW I killed them all :)

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2002 3:10 pm
by Gruntboy
Blackjesus666 - I appreciate the enthusiasm but please don't post links to other forums. Although this helped answer the question in this case, you have posted several such links.

I think it is enough to report the bug and it was onthe Black Isle board.


Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:06 am
by Schwoebli
copy the text next time please instead of posting the link.

p.s.: Schreib die Links doch einfach in deine Signatur, das ist erlaubt. ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 2:02 am
by BlackJesus666
There were lots of links to the official boards or to problem solving pages before.

So everybody calm down, I just REALIZED it´s not appreciated anymore.

I´ll stick to the rulez.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 1:58 pm
by Gruntboy
No harm done. :)