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Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2002 8:13 pm
by Gorgan
I wanna play a mage type character. There are two things which really detract from it though. I mage cant really wear cool armor. I know you have the glass armor and stuff, but i like the look of heavy. Is it worth it going for heavy just to lok cool or will it hurt me in the long run? THe other thing is im worried that a mage will just be boring. I want to roleplay and have fun with it.

The other class i wanna play is a warrior type. I like the warrior but he seems to simple. I want to be able to get into locked doors, but i dont know how easy is would be for a warrior to do that compared to the ease of thieves or mages.

I like my characters to be complex where i have to think of a strategy to get by someone and still be able to bash someones brains ins (or slice them to pieces) if i want to. I thought about the thief, but i really dont like the short swords. Is there any good short swords compared to the long swords? Ive had this game for about 1 month and i still cant think of a good class to play. If you have any suggestions to help me i would really appreciate it.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 12:56 am
by Oblivion
You cold always try a combination of two characters. For example, I recently started a thief with magical abilities, witch is about lvl 30 now and he kicks ass. A mage with heavy armor probably works fine but you will have to have lots of strength. At least a hundred, because heavy armor weights a ton. Instead you could make a battlemage, so you could use the strength better. Also a pure fighter can also pick locks, you just need som training or you could enchant an item with open 100 pts.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 1:20 am
by Oblivion
with my nightblade I use the birthsign The atronarch, witch rocks. I dont need to rest exept when I level up because I have 100 alchemy and my potions is enough to fill like a thousand mana.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 8:02 am
by Obike Fixx
I have a Fighter\Mage\Theif with Deadric gloves, Deadric pauldrons, Deadric Greaves, Lords curiass, Deadric Long sword, Deadric Longbow, Deadric shield, Deadric Helm:Face of terror, and a lot of constant effect enchantments.

Race: Imperial Guy

Strenght: 137

Magica: 80

Agility: 100

Endurance: 110

Personality: 100

Birth Sign: The Lady

Armor Class: 273

100% Resistance to Disease

100% Resistance to Blight

100% Resistance to Corpus

Cold resistance 30%

Fire Resistance 30%

Constant regenerative Health (Four ordinators can hit me, without me loosing health points)

Constant regenerative Fatigue (can jump, run, and fight, without becoming fatigued)

As soon as I get enough money, I will try to get a Magica regenerative item

I might have some more good things, but I can't remember them.
So you see: It's good to have a mix.


Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 9:29 am
by fable
Design your own mage, and give 'em Heavy Armor. Nobody says a mage can't use the stuff. Think outside the box. :)