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im screwed.. help! (ch 5)

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 4:31 pm
by johndoe3344

chapter 5, dragon's eye lv 2. you need to get the hemp rope from a locked chest near the dead guy's body. (boulder chamber) The problem is, none of my guys have a high enough lock pick skill (highest is 9) and i tried to get my barb to force lock, but that failed. so................ i am hereby STUCK..... ANY help would be appreciated... thanks!

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 4:57 pm
by 1-800-DOCTORB
I believe a strenth of 26 or 28 should be enough because I couldn't open it either by lockpicking. I was forced to buff my strongest character with the best strength increasing spell I had. Otherwise I believe there are a few Potions of Master Thievery around Dragons Eye that you could try.

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 5:07 pm
by johndoe3344

I had a total of 31 str so....

Char Stats:
Lv 14 Barb, Half-Orc

Strength Buffs
Champion's Strength
Strength of One
Blood Rage
Potion of Hill Giant Strength

forced da lock open! WOOT!

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 7:11 pm
by 1-800-DOCTORB
Actually using all those strength buffing spells was unnecessary. Only the highest strength bonus is calculated, in your case, all you probably needed was Blood Rage or Champion's Strength, but glad my advice helped nonetheless.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 4:11 pm
by johndoe3344
oops i mean barbarian rage :P blood rage makes u loose control of ur char...... though i think u *could* charm your character back and control him again (in theory) never tested... so it was the champion str.