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monk questions

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 5:22 pm
by Khalen
As usual, I have questions. Perhaps I think too much, or is it too little? Momma said I was special, that's why I got to ride the short bus. Must... stay... on topic. Before I lose track, here are the questions:

1) Am I correct in assuming that Imp. Initiative would have no benefit for the speed of a monks fists (already at 1)?

2) Does cleave work for Monks fists and if so, is it worth having to get power attack, which would be worthless because the monk doesn't have high enough attack rolls to sacrifice?

3) 14 Dex, 20 Wis OR 16 Dex, 18 Wis, or something else entirely(basically which do people favor, the higher chances for quivering palm, or the higher reflex saves and skill levels)?

4) Toughness, almost a requirement given the monks reliance on melee and relative weakness in hp's, or would feats be better spent elsewhere?

You... you answer, yes. Er, please? Eeexxxcellent.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 8:15 pm
by 1-800-DOCTORB
Power attack for a monk is not worthless. Combine it with stunning blow and it can be very effective. Stunned creatures are automatically hit and that's where power attack for a monk comes in handy. Cleave is obviously the next step unless the player feels feats are best spent elsewhere. I'd assume that improved initiative would be of no consequense to a monk since there is nothing lower that 1 initiative. Personally I think toughness is a waste considering that it only grants 3 HP per feat and five feats is alot to waste for its benefits to even come close to paying off. Even an extra 15 hit points is pretty insignificant in the overall scheme of things. Personally I'd give a monk 16 dextarity and 18 wisdom because I even give monks ranged weapons for special occasions when I play. In fact the higher the dextarity the better, but thats just a personal preferance. Not sure if wisdom effects quivering palm though, I don't recall seeing that anywhere.