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Damn Maze!

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2002 1:54 pm
by Andarian
Ok, I am weak! I am on my third time through planescape (I know! I don't play it as much as some- SUE ME!) and I am in the modron maze. Now, I am pissed off. I killed the miserable wizard, and now I am stuck RUNNING AROUND IN CIRCLES until hell freezes over, killing miserable constructs. I don't have the patience to spend hours on this damn maze this time around- twice previously is good enough, thanks. Can anyone tell me how to *hack* Nordom (if it's possible), maybe make him show up, with the beggining string that you begin when you meet him, somewhere where I CAN FIND THE LITTLE..... ahem. Well, can anyone help me with this?

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 7:32 am
by fable
You want to find Nordom? Remember, the maze resets everytime you play, but certain things remain constant. First, the wizard is always in a room considerably to the north, accessible only by a door on its southern perimeter. Second, Nordom is always in a room to the west, accessible only by a door on its eastern perimeter.

So if you want to find Nordom, in general, stick to west-leading paths.

Remember, if your main character is badly hurt or the situation is dire for your party, just get yourself killed. Your party will be teleported back to the opening square.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2002 4:20 pm
by Andarian
I know all these tricks, I just don't have the patience in this game, this time around....

And, FYI, I just beat TTO in the aforementioned game once again. (YAY!) In the end (The teeny tiny exp bonus from that sphere included) , I wound up with my wis-pumping mage character just BARELY less than level 30... like 10k exp away (Grrr.... if only I had killed ONE more of those true shadows, JUST ONE!) and I was in a party of 3 (including me) as well! I think I did pretty well.