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Two Bags Of Holding?
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 11:53 am
by Menace2Society
This might be a dumb question, but for some reason when i started TOB i had a second Bag Of Holding with alot of items i never collected in it, where did it come from?
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 12:06 pm
by Aqua-chan
Originally posted by Menace2Society
This might be a dumb question, but for some reason when i started TOB i had a second Bag Of Holding with alot of items i never collected in it, where did it come from?
Ellisime gave it to you.
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 12:25 pm
by Menace2Society
OOOOOOOO yeah, back in SOA, i'm an idiot
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 12:27 pm
by Obike Fixx
Aren't you a little hard on yourself? Everybody forget, from time to time.
Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 5:37 pm
by UserUnfriendly
its not a good idea to cluaconsole in bags of holding and gem bags and scroll cases....
in fact its rather a bad idea....
they use a itm file name to generate the items, and if you grab the same itm file name to make your own, once you get it normally during the course of a game, the "space" inventory area will be if jahiera opens up the bag, and put in a item, aerie can take it out...
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 11:33 am
by Obsidian
So, whats bad about having all you chars able to open your bag of holding... Seems almost cheese to me User, and we all know of you cheese addiction.
The bag of holding you get in the beggining of ToB if you start a new game, its full of non descript +2 and 3 goodies.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 12:13 am
by aberrant80
does anyone else notice that both of those bags have different properties? i wonder if it's just my game. one of the bags seem to have an almost infinite capacity, whereas the other is limited. i think the SoA one is limited. i noticed because i use the SoA bag to keep ALL the named items, and the ToB bag to keep all items i'm gonna sell. the SoA bag keeps getting full and i had to take some things out.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 2:59 am
by Littiz
There are A LOT of item codes for bags in ToB, actually (because if you
start a new character he'll have a bag with a set of specific items),
only the SoA is limited, me thinks.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 6:55 pm
by Koveras
Originally posted by aberrant80
does anyone else notice that both of those bags have different properties? i wonder if it's just my game. one of the bags seem to have an almost infinite capacity, whereas the other is limited. i think the SoA one is limited. i noticed because i use the SoA bag to keep ALL the named items, and the ToB bag to keep all items i'm gonna sell. the SoA bag keeps getting full and i had to take some things out.
Perhaps you have ammunition in it? That takes up a lot of space. I don't really know because I have the bottomless bag of holding tweak/cheat installed.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 9:43 pm
by aberrant80
Originally posted by Koveras
Perhaps you have ammunition in it? That takes up a lot of space. I don't really know because I have the bottomless bag of holding tweak/cheat installed.
nope. like i said, i only keep named items. all the ammo i want i keep in the ammo belt. all the ammo i don't want i keep in the ToB bag, which is the apparently infinite one.
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2002 4:13 am
by Sabre
The Bag of Holding from SoA have a limit of 100 while the one from ToB have a limit of 2000. So obviously, the SoA one fill up much quicker.
Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2002 2:50 am
by john@nz
Hmmmm......that's strange......i didn't get another bag of holding from Ellesime when i finished BG2. Any ideas how that happened?
Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 8:16 am
by HighLordDave
I can't remember Elliseme giving me another Bag of Holding when continuing a game into ToB. The characters keep whatever equipment they're holding. Maybe if you don't take the Flail of Ages with you she gives it to the character. In any event, there is another Bag of Holding available from one of the merchants in Saradush.
Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 8:49 am
by fable
My experience mirrors HLD's. I was never given a second bag of holding. I had to buy mine, in Saradush.
Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2002 9:28 am
by serjeLeBlade
Originally posted by fable
My experience mirrors HLD's. I was never given a second bag of holding. I had to buy mine, in Saradush.
I think it could happen if you start a new ToB game and import a character from SoA that had the other bag of holding in his inventory...
Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 4:38 am
by Bobsy
I don't think you get it if you continue the game straight through from SoA, just if you pressed "new game" in the ToB menu.