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Histachii potion help please
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 3:45 am
by benzoncrack
Hey guys,
Im in the dragons eye on the 1st and 2nd level, trying to get the histachii potion for Nheero Fhutma, ive got the modified mandrake, my alchemy is 16. Ive gone back to the lab, met the alchemist, and tried to make the potion, but it doesnt work, the mod mandrake is still on the eastern most table. Can you help?
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 7:44 am
by 1-800-DOCTORB
Did you throw the bottom swith in the big room just before the alchemy lab, the room with the big podeum?
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 12:19 pm
by benzoncrack
yes I did.
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 2:27 pm
by Tharan
You must have 18 alchemy to succesefully make that potion on your own and that alchmists notes. So what you need to do is just go exit out of the second lvl to the first, then go back down, invis one of you guys and run down there and replace the root while the alchemist is pushing the lever himself. Just dont let him see you or he will start moaning like a little cow about someone coming to help him. well if you also have anyone with intimidate 15 or 14 you can actually *convince* him to make the potion for you.
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 7:52 pm
by benzoncrack
ok, so theres 3 tables in the lab: 2 lab and 1 normal table....guess whos the moron who put the root on the normal table, and fliped the switch in vein a few hundred times.....thats me
but now i have a new problem: in the 3rd lvl, how do I get across the bridge thats up, and how do I get in the room with the eye of seth?
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 9:28 pm
by 1-800-DOCTORB
You need to drink the Modified Histachii Brew and turn into a Histachii and walk into the room with the Eye of Ssseth. There is a switch in there that lowers the bridge.