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European Community
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 3:10 pm
by Nightmare
I have a project for school, and I wondering if I could get some info/opinions on the Europeen Community. What are its goals/why does it exist/what impact does it have/whats your opinion on it?
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 3:15 pm
by Bloodmist
Maybe consider calling it European
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 4:00 pm
by Gruntboy
Don't want to make that mistake in school.
"You mean "European"?"
No, your-a-pee-n down your leg..."
That one is so old it is growing.
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 4:10 pm
by frogus
Rather a broad subject isn't it? 'Talk about Europe'?
Just in case you were confused, there is no political organisation called The European Community...
Anything more specific about Europe that you'd like to know?
Or are you talking about the European Union?
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 5:40 pm
by Phantom Lord
Why it exists would take too long to explain. Waaay back it has it's roots in a european nuclear power conference.
It's four basic goals are:
- freedom of travel within the EU for members of the EU
- freedom of work within the EU for members of the EU
- free transfers on financial markets within the EU
- free transfers on other markets (goods, services) within the EU
I personally think it's a good idea because many borders and rules concerning intra-EU actions are gone and this saves a lot of time and money. Eg accounting is rather annoying when things come to deal with foreign currencies constantly and waiting for hours at a border is too.
I'm still calculating in DM (Deutsche Mark) for myself, as well as in Lira when I'm in Italy and I don't like the Euro coins too much, but I guess I will get used to them in the next ten years.
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 6:30 pm
by Nightmare
Ok, changed to "European".
Sorry about that.
Yes, I mean the European Union.
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 6:53 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Phantom Lord
Why it exists would take too long to explain. Waaay back it has it's roots in a european nuclear power conference.
It's four basic goals are:
- freedom of travel within the EU for members of the EU
- freedom of work within the EU for members of the EU
- free transfers on financial markets within the EU
- free transfers on other markets (goods, services) within the EU
You forgot the most important of all:
- freedom to heckle the French over the culture
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 7:05 am
by Nippy
This will probably be long...
The European Union's development started as the European Coal and Steel community in 1952. Designed for the purpose of managing, selling and exporting/importing of natural resources needed after the War.
In 1957 The Treaty of Rome was signed, binding and creating laws and rules that member states must apply to.
In 1972 England joined what was the EEC (European Economic Community). (I include this because it's relevant to me and my studies).
The Single European Act of 1986 gave (among other things) freedom of movement to workers.
The ratification of the Maastricht treaty in 1992, along with the Treaty of European Union 1993 the EC (European Community) became the European Union.
Treaty of Amsterdam in 1999 resulted in a new Article for the Treaty of Rome to promote equal opportunites for any sex, race, sexual orientation etc.
2001 resulted in the Treaty of Nice, which allowed enlargement to include new member states, more qualified majority voting and different voting.
There are four main European Institutions, The Commission, The European Parliament, The Council and the European Court of Justice.
The Commission is responsible for day-to-day running of the EU. It's basically the same as the civil service in your country, they basically are there to draft laws.
The European Parliament is also called the Assembly, it does not create laws, it discusses legislation and member states are allocated seats in it for the population of their state. Issues that are proposed by the Commission are discussed by the Parliament and then are formally drafted by the Commission.
The Council creates the laws, it is the law-making body. It is comprised of one minister for each country, usually the Foreign Minister, but any approapriate one will do.
The European Court of Justice sits at Luxembourg and has a president plus one judge from each member state, each judge must be proven to be independant.
Thats what I've got for now, but I could get more of needed, possibly...
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 11:29 am
by Gruntboy
fable you dirty spammer.
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 11:39 am
by RandomThug
To keep tradition
In hopes to not gain recognition as someone who hates europe... I mean given I am about 80% british in heritage.. the rest scattered western Europeon...
Who cares, is just europe. I mean, wooptie doo... it rains there and crap...
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2002 5:35 pm
by wolven86
Speaking as an englishman i have to say that i don not like europe much
I have no valid reasons i'm just prejudied i understand all the benefits and have studied them in depth.
I think the major reason is that it includes france, who are erm evil as i said this is strictly a bigoted english point of view and i reckon if the technology existed we should move england into the pacific ocean away from europe and more importantly the french. the only problem with this idea is that there is noone near at hand to go to war with if we feel bored, cos thats what the french are for, i could speak volumes but its late and i don't feel like typing too much.
please understand i am only joking and that i don't in fact hate the french, or europe, they are annoying but i don't h8 them or believe them to be evil. It is just what we are brought up to believe just like most men are brought up to believe that women in school uniforms make them infinitely more desirable, its a form of indoctrination, by playing up your own victories and dumming down your defeats, you can make yourselves look better than your opponent. Take the american war of independance for example your great military leader general George Washington (if i remember correctly and i can't be sure about this) never won a single battle against the english, in fact more americans fought on the english side than on yours, it was the french who got you independance, and only cos we were too busy beating up napoleon.
the fact that you fought for your independance is another point as almost all the other colonies were given theirs.
please forgive my sidetracking and go back to the discussion of europe in particular the euro and why it would be a bad idea for england to join a single european currency.
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 9:03 am
by Vicsun
this site. It's got pretty much all the information you will ever need
. I recently finished studying about the EU in Business and I'm currently doing an investigation on it. I'll come back later to post some info.
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 6:22 pm
by Nightmare
Thanks for the input, @all. And thanks for the link, Vicsun.