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Dragon's Eye (spoiler requested)

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 8:44 am
by TheSeventhStoog
Okay, I have cleared out all three levels of Dragon's eye, have killed all the wyverns and taken their stingers, have obtained the engineering manual (which I am assuming will help me deal with the drawbridge on level three, but I don't want to know just yet...) and have gone through all the tables and bookshelves in the lab on level two. If my understanding of the alchemist's note is correct, I need to create some wyvern poison (I am guessing I need to put them into the vats of pure water?), but I need to wait until the alchemist returns to fix the levers around the ziggaraut. What am I missing? I have been resting for days and he has not shown up, which tells me I am missing a step somewhere.

Also, according to the note, there was supposed to be some histachhi (sp?) potions sitting on a table in the lab, but I didn't see any there, and I even went to Nathaniel to make sure I didn't accidentally sell them off (no, I didn't, and there are none in my inventory). I did recover the mandrake leaves, however, and the note said that they were needed to make the potions.

According to the note, I need to have a character with a 15 or higher in alchemy in order to do anything, or if not I had to wait for the alchemist to return and trick him into doing it for me. But, as I said, the alchemist is not there yet.

Can anyone help me?

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2002 10:00 pm
by paulsbo
I'm having the same problem, I waited forever for the alchemist to show up, but nada, and my mage, who has a 16 in alchemy, can't seem to brew anything up.

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 6:24 am
by jim0525

i believe you have missed some quests which need to be done prior to receiving those potions.

go back up a level in dragon's eye and talk with all the prisoners. one of them will have the information that you need.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 8:52 pm
by Skooter327
I had a similar problem in Dragon's Eye. I began to wonder if I had accidentally killed the alchemist. After relodading an old file, I fount the root of the problem.

***possible spoilers***

Have you talked to Neehro (sp?), who is imprisoned on Dragon Eye's first level? You will need to complete some of his quests to trigger the alchemist's return; however, if you have found the Sword of Myrlok Vale (sp?) before Neehro asks for it, you might not be able to complete that quest.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 10:21 am
by drknite
I've talked to Neehro, but he won't prompt me to do anything for him but 'set the prisoners free'. Isn't he one of the prisoners since he is behind the 'door that won't budge'? The body on the rack is gone and I have cleared out levels 1 and 2, as well as getting the sword for his dead body that won't appear.

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 11:04 am
by BlackJesus666
If Nheero still asks you to free the prisoners, there hast to be at least one enemy left.

Be sure to check out every corner of the prison, there might be a rogue left in the shadows.

Or maybe the crazy mage. He has a Troll companion and casts improved invisibility on himself.

Kill those creatures and Nheero will give you the next quests.