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Help at Brynnlaw & Spellhold

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 4:17 am
by Zammutin
I got out from Asyleum and now i have to choose between two ways to travel back to mainland, which of course ends to Underdark.

But the problem is when i try to take the ship with Saemon Havaerian's help, and i retrieve the horn which opens the sea gate's, and go talk to Saemon himself at the local inn. The dialog goes well but when we should teleport to the ship it just teleports to the corner of the inn and Deshark appears (100 %invisible) and he starts to yell at Saemon. And i cannot talk to Saemon anymore, he just stands there. So this is a bug.

The other way to get off, the portal at spellhold. Going through that misses the Sahuagingagaga'gag City (whateva), which isn't really a problem, been there, seen it. But i don't know how to open the door before the portal?

Thx, i would rather go with the ship but if that bug can't be corrected then it is the portal, but i need help how to open the door, thx. :-)

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 6:40 am
by genxooseven
On the 1st floor of the Asylum there's a key located in a cabinet that will open the door to the Underdark. The rooms to the right of the entrance of Spellhold and if I remember correctly there's a Golem guarding it. Just kill him and look around, you shouldn't have a hard time finding it. Sorry, I couldn't help you with your game file, but I'm not very good at that stuff, you might want to ask someone like Sabre who seems very good at solving those problems.

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 7:36 am
by Obike Fixx
Did you kill Desharik, or something like that, before you went into the Asylum?

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2002 1:40 pm
by JackOfClubs
When Saemon gives you the mission to get the horn, he should go out the door and wait for you at the end of the docks. However, if you get in his way (or one of the wandering pirates in the tavern does) he can't get to the door and will remain in the tavern. This will produce the bug Zammutin cites.

The only way I know to fix it is to restore from a backup prior to Saemon telling you to get the horn, or CLUA Saemon in at the appropriate place on the docks.