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Trapping Souls with a Non-Magic Character

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 1:45 am
by Nagroth
How can I get souls trapped when I can´t wield magic ? I play a totally combat-oriented char with no magic ability whatsoever. He is quite powerful actually, but I do miss the opportunity to use Mark/Recall. Now I found an enchanted Mark amulet and wanted to create a corresponding Recall ring/belt/whatever. But, I do need a loaded soul gem for it ! I can´t steal one either because my sneak skill is not up to it either. Any suggestions ?

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 10:18 am
by Rahvin
find the master trainer of the type of magic it requires, and train your magic. thats what i've been forced to do too, I also play warrior/thief character

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 2:11 pm
by Quarrel
There are certain weapons that will trap souls when you strike them.

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 4:38 pm
by Quarrel
Sorry, I'm not thinking properly.
As well as weapons, IIRC, there are rings and amulets that will allow you to cast Soultrap.
Also there are Magic scrolls which will do the the same job.
None of these require you to have Magicka.

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2002 1:31 pm
by Loredweller
Use professional enchanter to put Soultrap on hit ("cast when strikes") on your weapon of choice. It might be very short soultrap (2-3"), so it wouldn't cost you too much. In case of Golden Saint it's almost the only way to get a soul, BTW. It might be combined with some damaging effect. Absorb Health, IMHO, is the best if not changed with some patch - i haven't patched the game for long time, so i don't know; Damage Health altogether might serve as well if your feelings are against the Absorbtion.