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Spoiler Request for Dreams and Sleepers

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 6:08 am
by Nagroth
I have a question regarding the beginning of the game : I play 2 characters who are roughly on the same level. My main char, a mercenary encountered somebody in front of the fighters´ guild in Balmora who introduced himself as a sleeper of Lord Dagoth Ur. What´s this about, this has never happened to me before.

My second char, rested on Caius´s bed in Balmora when he dreamed of a golden figure that touched the dead and other weird stuff. Now, to me this sounds like something of the main quest, but my primary char never experienced this.

Is this normal ? I have played the game for some time (never andvance on the main quest though, I was too busy exploring) but I have never experienced these two events before. Could somebody please explain them to me ?

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 7:36 am
by SSRat
Go with your instinct

You're on track. These events occur as you progress along the main quest. If you haven't even started the main quest maybe the game is trying to give you a nudge, who knows.

No real spoiler as far as i know; i think they just add to the story.

[Don't forget to rest again if you have a bad dream. The dreams prevent leveling.]

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 9:18 am
by Nagroth
Nice to know.. but why does only one of my characters dream ? And why did only the other one meet the sleeper ? If this is part of the main quest, shouldn´t both things happen to both chars ?

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2002 10:13 am
by Rahvin
i just experienced this yeserday. For the dreams to occur, you must rest in certain cities:Vivec, Ald'ruhn, and Balmora. Each dream is triggered by a certain journal entry related to the following quests:antabolis informant, addhiranirr informant, mehra milo segment of the vivec informants, and zainsubani informant. So, you must have completed these quests, and sleep in one of the three cities.

This would explain your dilema, if they have both finished the same quests, take the one who hasn't had dreams and rest him in one of the cities. As for sleepers, they don't really do anything, they just get annoying ;) You'll get them eventually