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A DF Halloween Howl (spam is okay within reason)

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:53 pm
by dragon wench
Brought to you by Yshania, T'Lainya, Gwalchmai and Dragon Wench. We had originally thought to place this into the DF story as an interlude. But we soon realised that our festive cavorting had taken on a life of its own :D

note any ressemblence to characters, events (real, imagined or fantasized) is purely coincidental. :D


Several months had elapsed since the Dark Flame’s epic battle against the Abomination….. While celebratory forays had been made to unsuspecting local taverns, no truly uninhibited festivities had occurred to mark the momentous event. Perhaps it had something to do with their new home at Ogre Falls…. Graced with lush, forested hillsides, gently rolling pastures and an abundance of natural hot springs, the Dark Flames, after their harrowing experiences within the bowels of the earth, had found little reason to venture very far from the cosy dwellings and beautiful lands they now inhabited.

One fine late autumn evening everyone was enjoying a soak in one of the larger hot springs when Scayde, glancing up at the position of the stars and moon, suddenly remarked, “It is nearly Halloween.”

Thantor, who had been resting his psionic abilities since the battle, looked over curiously. “What is Halo-wean?” Images of celestial beings attempting to rid themselves of the glowing circlets adorning the space above their heads momentarily distracted him from his study of the rubber ducky bobbing near Bloodstalker’s happily splashing hand.

“Is that something people do in Texas?” asked Gwalchmai. By this point Scayde had spoken a little of her home and a hopeful expression settled across Gwalchmai’s face as he envisioned throngs of women dressed in little other than Stetson hats bearing down upon magnificent herds of wild horses.

Managing to briefly tear his attention away from the rubber ducky, Bloodstalker, for reasons best known to himself, smiled blissfully at the thought of Scayde wrestling down a fully-grown cougar with her bare hands. Aegis, perhaps because he was immersed in water…. decided that Halloween must surely have something to do with fish.

Nippy, in true paladin fashion, imagined “Halloween” to be some type of Texan festival involving the slaying of large and unimaginably evil creatures with the aid of skewers and Barbeque sauce. Thalimon was, however, possessed of a more wildly rampant thought, and speculated that Halloween was a type of ritual wherein Scayde would equip her rattlesnake skin whip and exact discipline upon unruly cowhands.

Rolling her eyes expressively at the women lounging around the pool Scayde gave an exasperated snort. “Halloween is a remnant of an ancient religious feast day called "All Hallow's Eve" it is the Eve of "All Saint's Day" and is the only day of the year not assigned to a patron saint. Originally it was meant to supplant the festivals of older religions, and it was called Samhain...the Autumnal equinox, and the mark of the time of the waning of the Sun...a time to celebrate death as a necessary feature of life. The time of the was also a time of communion with the souls of the dead.”

Then Scayde grinned mischievously…”It has become a time when people dress up in, usually frightening, costumes, and party it up. At this, Bloodstalker pricked up his ears. “Is there alcohol involved?” he enquired eagerly.

Maybe we could celebrate Halloween here chimed Mysteria and Aqua-Chan in unison. T’Lainya, Yshania and Dragon Wench exchanged smirks. “Oh my…that idea *has* potential,” said T’Lainya, rubbing her hands together in gleeful anticipation.

Touched by her friend’s eagerness to engage in the celebration of a foreign festival, Scayde smiled happily. Thus it was decided that the Dark Flames would indeed embark upon a night of feasting and revelry such as had not been seen in Faerun since the day Gwalchmai and Thantor had raided a little known Athkatla establishment known as, “Whips R Us”

“Sam Hain…Sam Hain” I can’t say his name rings a bell, shrugged Yshania “I am never one to refuse a festival though, whoever it is in honour of!” She grinned. It had not gone unnoticed to her that T’lainya had flinched slightly when learning that this was not a hallowed day, and she saw, too, the paladins bristle at the mention of interacting with the dead. She sidled up to Gwalchmai and Aqua-chan, and in a hushed voice declared that the druids should show these people how to party. “Scayde spoke of the circle of life and a time to reap what we sow. Surely this celebratory feasting was the work of a grove?” The other two nodded their heads in agreement.

At the mention of alcohol, T’lainya stood and beckoned to BS to prove himself useful for a change. They headed to the distillery, to return promptly rolling great barrels before them. What had Scayde called this? Cy…der! That’s it! Yshania smiled to herself before being struck by a moment of inspiration. “Oh my word!” she exclaimed, it had been many a moon since they had met the witch in the tunnels of the keep…it felt almost…prophetic! She ran to the side of her small cabin and began to drag the half-full water vat back to the group; eventually Nippy saw fit to lend her his brawn.

“You could always try Strength of One,” he teased. The Avenger stood and eyed him for a moment before responding that it was a shame there was no spell to increase gentlemanly skills, only charisma. “Shame that” she grinned, then proceeded to position the vat, waves of rainwater and pond life slopping over the sides. “Protein” she offered to the curious group.

Grinning at Gwalchmai, she knelt and began rummaging through her bag. Finally she found them, a little withered and dry, but coveted all the same for their unknown magical properties. She tossed the apples into the vat of rainwater and announced the rules of the game. “Whilst they rehydrate, giving you a little more to get your teeth into” she winked at the salivating druid “I suggest we take up Scaydes idea of fansee dress!”

“By Torm! I ain’t wearing no dress,” snorted Thalimon approaching the group with great handfuls of tankards. Tashara eyed him mischievously, and Yshania laughed aloud as she saw Aegis visibly relax away from the mage’s impish attentions.

Scayde chuckled at the sudden activity on what had so far been just another day dipping in the warm springs and explaining for the umpteenth time to the curious Faerunians what a TV was, or a computer. She had tried to explain the “internet” but this had only lead to smaller conversations about how this could be something futuristic to do with fishing, maybe, or something to tie your hair back with. Now the Texan realised that she was, in fact, communicating on their level!…food, fun and drinking games were for any era! Drinking games!! That was an idea!! She stood and asked Simbul if she had a spare broom they could borrow “not a favourite one” she added “it might get a little…wrecked” After explaining her idea to the mage, Simbul decided that one without any lingering magical energies might be the safest…though less fun….”Hmm…” Simbul smiled to herself as she headed to her elaborate log house with twin spires. Returning, she handed the broom to the Texan, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Scayde promptly stripped the bristles from the broom then instructed the group as a whole how to play this next game.

“The idea is to place the broom like so, and your forehead like so…then you run around in circles” The group laughed as one as Scayde circled the broom ten times before attempting to run in a straight line, “touch yonder tree” she called over her shoulder, then staggered back and collapsed in a fit of giggles. “It has been many years! My sides hurt!”

“I am still not wearing a dress!” grumbled the dark paladin

“When do we get to bob for apples?” whined Gwalchmai, trying not to think about having to pick dragon fly larvae out of his teeth later. The rough with the smooth, I guess, he told himself. Mysteria nudged the excited druid, “Come on Gwally! Patience is a virtue…”

“Besides” intoned Thantor as he appeared beside them. “It has been an age since those apples have seen the light of day; they might have even started to ferment. On top of their existing unknown qualities, my druid friend, I believe the additional alcohol may put their abilities beyond rational identification. We need a test subject, and a few ready Heal spells just in case”

“Did someone speak of fermentation?” inquired Bloodstalker eagerly, “I am immune to the effects of alcohol”

“The druid isn’t” laughed Nippy, heartily, recalling the poor breakfast that Gwalchmai had prepared after losing their drinking competition an age ago now…

“I have...natural abilities that you have yet to see in action!” declared the druid defensively.

“I am still not wearing a dress!!” muttered Thalimon whilst slopping cider into the tankards “Fansee or not, I am not! wearing a frock!”


Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 1:56 pm
by Yshania
“Serving an ale like that, wench, will have you sporting an apron too!” exclaimed Bloodstalker, grabbing the first full tankard of Scrumpy. Shivering by the campfire, despite the warmth it offered, Aegis was struck by a forgotten nightmare of goblins with pink hair and aprons, serving tea to a cave of fey folk.

“Wench?!” Thalimon glared at Bloodstalker who grinned as he took a huge swig from his tankard.

“Slip of the tongue.” He said with a smirk.

T’lainya laughed at the friendly teasing. She concentrated and cast Faerie Fire, outlining some of the trees with silver and orange lights, creating an otherworldly glow. She deftly took the full tankard that Thalimon offered and flashed a grin at him.

There was a sharp smack as Gwally yelped “Owwww.” Yshania had caught the druid attempting to sneak an apple from the barrel. “It serves you right!” Tashara said to him with a giggle. There was general outburst of merriment at this. Thantor swaggered over in his elaborate pirate costume and announced that any more attempts to steal an apple would result in someone walking the plank. He grinned rakishly at Aqua-chan and winked at Mysteria.

Scayde laughed delightedly at her friends, meowing at Thalimon as she accepted a mug of cider. The paladin bowed, still muttering about dresses. Scayde snickered and gave him a quick hug assuring him that kilts were very attractive on men. She laughed as the paladin groaned, and danced away towards the fire.

Aegis spoke up, his face troubled. “Are there legends in your world of pink…err never mind.” He fell silent, shaking his head at his own flights of fancy. Mysteria grabbed two tankards and handed one to the ranger who smiled.

Remembering some old robes, Tashara headed off to her cottage and reappeared dressed in a wildly tattered black gown. “That’s not much of a change remarked Gwalchmai, as he discretely attempted to see beneath the flimsy material fluttering around the mage’s body. “Oh, but it is,” she said grinning wickedly back. “Wearing these robes transforms me into a practitioner of the dark arts….” Gwalchmai returned her grin with a fiendish smile of his own, “What is so different about that? “

As she observed the progressing festivities, Scayde realized that only a few of her friends were dressed in costumes. She had seen ample evidence of Simbul’s exceptional powers, and smiling slyly she moved off towards the now distinctly merry mage. A hushed conversation between the two women followed, and giggling like a paladin at a peep show () Simbul turned and surveyed the progressing festivities. She gestured with her hands, and brilliant sparks of neon-tinted light bounced dramatically around the clearing. Shouts of shock and surprise soon followed.

Curious, Yshania looked up and discovered much to her amusement that her friends were suddenly clad in an exotic array of costumes…. T’Lainya, she observed, was sporting unusually long fangs and an outfit so revealing that even Gwalchmai appeared shocked. Bloodstalker now bore a striking resemblance to a skeleton warrior; however, strangely enough, a large ten-gallon hat was perched rakishly upon his head. Bones a’ clatter, he hopefully trailed after T’Lainya….”Please, oh please bite me,” he cajoled in his most winsome tone. Somewhat nervous, Yshania looked down at herself, and was relieved to find that her outfit consisted of a brightly-coloured full skirt, a peasant blouse, and several shawls. A pair of earrings tinkled musically as she moved her head, and an opalescent crystal ball shimmered at her feet.

A disgusted snort emerged from Aegis, as he noted his jauntily striped blue and white trousers, vest and shirt. “Oh goody!” exclaimed Thantor the pirate, now on his forth mug of scrumpy. “I was rather hoping I could have a cabin boy to clean out my hut.” Aegis, horrified at the thought of going anywhere near Thantor’s living quarters looked beseechingly at the nearby women who were snickering uncontrollably. Finally, Simbul felt a burst of compassion at Aegis’s predicament and directed another spell towards the woebegone ranger. A stunned silence descended over the group as they looked upon Aegis….. A glittering tail and fins had replaced his legs…and in his hands instead of the usual bow…he carried a trident. Mysteria, who had grown gossamer wings and wore a whimsical pixie skirt, blushed crimson and cleared her throat. “Erm…Simbul…. don’t you think he should have some clothes…..?” Simbul, the picture of innocence, giggled naughtily. Within moments a cloak materialized on Aegis’s shivering form…sparing the assembled revelers a vision best reserved for less lucid moments.

It was at this uncomfortable moment that Aqua-Chan made her entrance and all eyes turned toward her. She was dressed in a skillfully-tailored suit of pinstriped gray. The pants were pressed, and the jacket was open to her navel. A gray fedora perched on her head at a jaunty angle. She looked for all the world like one of the rich crime bosses in the seedy sections of Baldur's gate. "I'm a Gangster," she said, though Gwalchmai doubted that gangsters would not usually show that much cleavage, nor did any of them have a tail. She looked at the Dark Flames and grinned widely. A bit puzzled, she turned to Gwalchmai and Thalimon. “What are each of you?” Rather terrified at the thought that Simbul’s advancing state of euphoria might indeed have placed him in a dress Thalimon cautiously glanced downwards. He was clad entirely in black and two small daggers were attached to his legs by scarlet ties. Having traveled extensively throughout the lands, he soon recognized the outfit as belonging to a mysterious sect of warriors inhabiting Kara’Tur. “I am a Ninja fighter,” replied Thalimon, his relief at having retained male garb more than evident. Meanwhile, Gwalchmai smiled in glee as he immediately recognized his outfit to be that of a Djinni. Twiddling a small bottle at the nearby women, he winked conspiratorially….. “Allow me to grant you all your wishes,” he magnanimously offered.

‘Oh, great!’ moaned Yshania, ‘so what the heck are all these rags about, Simbul?’ Trying to maintain her sense of humour, she grinned at the group before turning to glare at the mage.

Simbul laughed, an alien sound to the Dark Flames, and Yshania was momentarily knocked off guard. ‘Never should you judge a book by it’s cover my peasant friend’ she teased ‘for what lies beneath your rags…’

‘Stop!’ cried the druid, glaring now at the men of the group that were stifling giggles

‘…is the gift of vision’ Simbul smiled attempting to placate the Avenger. ‘The globe at your feet is the globe of sight’

‘I am a seer?’ The mage smiled and inclined her head.

‘Another thing, Yshania’ the mage whispered to the druid ‘in a game of strip poker you needn’t even be at one with the cards to remain more clothed than your adversaries’ The mage winked, and Yshania moved to ask her if she had something in her eye before realising.

‘Because of my new found skills of prediction?’ The druid clapped her hands excitedly.

‘That and your layers!’ The mage laughed aloud and drifted away towards the keg of cider, now amused by Thalimon practising ninja moves, under the frustrated eye of Nippy, the paladin/monk in bandages.

Yshania picked up her crystal ball and placed it into her many folded attire, hopeful she might find it later when preparing for private readings. Turning to Gwalchmai she considered wishing for her hearts desire. As an afterthought, she wondered whether the Djinni would need to be conscious on completion of the request so decided not to stress him in advance of the apple bobbing and reached for a tankard of cider, before sitting to sip and admire the group in their glory.

‘So!’ announced Scayde, pawing the air teasingly and mewing. The women of the group grinned at the effect this gesture had on the men, Aqua-chan smiled approvingly, knowing what often lay behind such feline promises of affection. ‘Where do we start?’

‘The pole!’ a majority cry, with a whining request from the Djinni to bob for apples.

‘The pole it is then, boys and girls…roll up!’

Jennabard, clothed in a fine dress of autumnal leaves that was sewn with fine gossamer thread, began to sing an ancient woodland song of fun, and frolics, and freedom to be at one with the spirit of nature. Unsure as to how she knew the lyrics to this song, with the ancient passion they wrought, a small frown flickered across her features. Without halting a note she looked towards the druids of the group, and then to Simbul. Each nodded their heads in approval as the song began to lift and intoxicate the revellers.

‘Who’s first?’ called Scayde, steadying the broom handle.

‘Me! Me!’ all eyes turned to the Wizard Slayer, who stepped forward pushing his stetson back from his skull. As he grabbed hold of the pole, a spark of old lingering magics flashed up his arm causing his eyes to bulge…his body to shiver involuntarily, and a wide grin to spread across his face…

:D ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 2:38 pm
by Chanak

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 6:28 pm
by Scayde
OH Man...,

This is so awesome...I only just read it.. :cool:

(been a little tied up this weekend ;) )

..It is great.!!! LMAO... :D

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 8:32 pm
by dragon wench
(been a little tied up this weekend )

Hmmm...maybe we should have said something about Scayde's lasso as well as her rattlesnake skin whip :eek: ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2002 1:27 am
by Morlock
More, More! Image

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2002 2:23 am
by thantor3
Bravissimo! A masterpiece! *The crowd goes wild* :D