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Enchanting with constant effect

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 9:09 am
by Nagroth
I am pretty new at all this enchantment stuff, so I´d like to ask for some pointers :
1) Where can I get Restore or even better Fortify Strength/Intelligence/whatever spells ? I have been looking everywhere I can think of, but no success.
2) Is an enchantment which uses a Golden Saint soul automatically a constant effect enchantment ?
3) If I use a professional NPC enchanter, do my attributes (INT) matter ?

Thanks for the help !

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2002 9:30 am
by Loredweller
Originally posted by Nagroth
I am pretty new at all this enchantment stuff, so I´d like to ask for some pointers :
1) Where can I get Restore or even better Fortify Strength/Intelligence/whatever spells ? I have been looking everywhere I can think of, but no success.
2) Is an enchantment which uses a Golden Saint soul automatically a constant effect enchantment ?
3) If I use a professional NPC enchanter, do my attributes (INT) matter ?

Thanks for the help !
As soon you get some Fortify <attribute> you can make spell or enchant item with any attribute (the same with Restore attribute). Regarding health/fatique things are worse, you should "know" spell with desired effect.
If you're enchanting with Golden Saint or Ascended Sleeper, you get an additional option (default as soon you put your item in). You may change it at will to Cast on use or (if applayable) Cast on Strike.
AFAIK, your attributes have no impact on proffesional enchanter (with possible exclusion of your Personality attribute and Mercantile skill, but that may change only price, not the result).