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Favored Class
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 3:41 pm
by Patrick
I have a question about my characters favored class. I just want to know if my multiclass character's favorite class is lower than the other classes will he/she still recieve a -%20 exp. penilty. For example, I have a shield dwarf, who's favored class is fighter, and is a fighter but also a cleric. What if he was a 7th level fighter and 12th level cleric. Would he suffer the -%20 exp. Also I have a halfling whos' favorite class is Barbarian. He is 7th level Barbarian and 10th level thief and 11 level cleric. Would he/she suffer the -%20 exp.?
Thanks guys
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 4:08 pm
by BlackJesus666
I doesn´t matter how many levels you got in your favorite class.
It´s always ignored when determining XP penalty.
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 4:15 pm
by Patrick
Reply Favored class
So it will not be penalized, in the book the example given uses the favorite class as the highest class, my question basicly is, is it also true if the favored class is lowest
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 4:19 pm
by BlackJesus666
As I said, it doesn´t matter how many levels you got.
A dwarf could be
Fighter 1
Cleric 9
Rogue 8
with no penalty.
Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 7:22 pm
by Patrick
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 6:40 pm
by slacker2
BlackJesus666 are you sure about that. If I remember you dont receive a xp penalty when you have a favored class as long it is only 1 other class you have levels in. If you had a character that had levels in fighter and cleric (no xp penalty). But if you had levels in fighter, cleric and rogue you would incurr an xp penalty. Again im not positive about this so maybe someone else can set me straight if im wrong.
Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 8:45 pm
by DarkEntity
lets do some programming:B
if characterFavouredClass="Fighter" and characterClassLevel="Fighter10|Rogue6|Cleric7" then
if differenceUnfavouredClassLevel("Rogue6|Cleric7") < 1 then
end if
end if
n.b. in short, ignore ur class levels of the class which is ur favoured class (i.e. dwarf-fighter, drow-mage/cleric) and calculate the difference of the other unfavoured classes. (i.e. classA-lvl 6, classB-lvl7 >> difference 1, so no exp penalty)
else... (classA-lvl 6, classB- lvl 9, >> difference 3, so 20%exp penalty)
not so sure about having a 3rd unfavoured class.. cos ur exp penalty can go up to 40%, 60%, 80%.
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2002 3:43 am
by BlackJesus666
Originally posted by slacker2
BlackJesus666 are you sure about that. If I remember you dont receive a xp penalty when you have a favored class as long it is only 1 other class you have levels in. If you had a character that had levels in fighter and cleric (no xp penalty). But if you had levels in fighter, cleric and rogue you would incurr an xp penalty. Again im not positive about this so maybe someone else can set me straight if im wrong.
Fighter = favored class. ignored.
Rogue + Cleric = differ only one Level, nothing wrong with that.