Druid Shapechange Tables **spoiler**
Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2002 12:17 am
I have found the druid's shapechange ability to be very powerful, at all stages of the game. My druid aced the battle squares and the monk test without problems. So I wondered, how powerful are each of the forms? I figured it out and compiled this table. I am sorry if this information has already been discussed. I hope this table is readable.
Shape***********Level Gained**Str**Dex**Con** Movement**AC Bonus*********Resistances
Boar************5th***********15***10***17*** Slower?***Gen +6***********Cold:5; Missile:2; Blud:2; Pierc:2; Slash:2
Winter Wolf*****7th***********13***18***16*** Fast******Gen +5, Dex +4***Cold:15; Fire:-15
Polar Bear******9th***********27***13***19*** Normal****Gen +5, Dex +1***none
Dire Bear*******12th**********30***13***19*** Normal****Gen +7, Dex +1***none
Dire Panther****14th**********24***21***17*** Fast******Gen +5, Dex +5***none
Fire Elemental**16th**********20***10***10*** Slow******Gen +8***********Cold:-15; Fire:20
Earth Elemental*18th**********20***10***10*** Slow******Gen +8***********none
Water Elemental*20th**********20***10***10*** Normal****Gen +8***********none
Air Elemental***22nd**********18***29***18*** As Dash***Gen +12, Dex +9**none
Boring Beetle***5th (feat)****15***10***10*** Slow******Gen +7***********none
Black Panther***5th (feat)****18***10***10*** Fast******Gen +4***********none
Shambling Mound*8th (feat)****18***10***10*** As Dash***Gen +10**********Electricity:20; Fire:6
************************ Attack ****************** Strength * Damage
Shape*********** Attacks* Bonus* Critical* Damage* Bonus**** Potential* Special
Boar************ 2******* +2**** 20/×2**** 3d4**** +2******* 5-14
Winter Wolf***** 1******* +1**** 20/×2**** 1d6**** +1******* 2-7
Polar Bear****** 3******* +8**** 19-20/×2* 1d10*** +8******* 9-18
Dire Bear******* 3******* +10*** 19-20/×2* 2d6**** +10****** 12-22
Dire Panther**** 3******* +7**** 19-20/×2* 2d6**** +7******* 9-35****** Slashing +2d8 (10%) [Raking]
Fire Elemental** 1******* +5**** 19-20/×2* 1d8**** +5******* 7-17****** Fire +1d4 (observed low chance on hit, c. 10%)
Earth Elemental* 1******* +5**** 19-20/×2* 4d8**** +5******* 9-37
Water Elemental* 1******* +5**** 19-20/×2* 4d8**** +5******* 9-37
Air Elemental*** 3******* +4**** 19-20/×2* 3d8+6** +4******* 13-34
Boring Beetle*** 1******* +2**** 20/×2**** 5d4**** +2******* 7-22
Black Panther*** 3******* +4**** 19-20/×2* 2d6**** +4******* 3-32****** Slashing +2d8 (10%) [Raking]
Shambling Mound* 2******* +4**** 20/×2**** 2d8**** +4******* 6-32****** Bludg +1d4(50%); Blud +1d4(50%); Blud +1d4(50%); [observed chance to entangle victim on hit for about 1 round (c. 25-50%)]
Shape***********Level Gained**Str**Dex**Con** Movement**AC Bonus*********Resistances
Boar************5th***********15***10***17*** Slower?***Gen +6***********Cold:5; Missile:2; Blud:2; Pierc:2; Slash:2
Winter Wolf*****7th***********13***18***16*** Fast******Gen +5, Dex +4***Cold:15; Fire:-15
Polar Bear******9th***********27***13***19*** Normal****Gen +5, Dex +1***none
Dire Bear*******12th**********30***13***19*** Normal****Gen +7, Dex +1***none
Dire Panther****14th**********24***21***17*** Fast******Gen +5, Dex +5***none
Fire Elemental**16th**********20***10***10*** Slow******Gen +8***********Cold:-15; Fire:20
Earth Elemental*18th**********20***10***10*** Slow******Gen +8***********none
Water Elemental*20th**********20***10***10*** Normal****Gen +8***********none
Air Elemental***22nd**********18***29***18*** As Dash***Gen +12, Dex +9**none
Boring Beetle***5th (feat)****15***10***10*** Slow******Gen +7***********none
Black Panther***5th (feat)****18***10***10*** Fast******Gen +4***********none
Shambling Mound*8th (feat)****18***10***10*** As Dash***Gen +10**********Electricity:20; Fire:6
************************ Attack ****************** Strength * Damage
Shape*********** Attacks* Bonus* Critical* Damage* Bonus**** Potential* Special
Boar************ 2******* +2**** 20/×2**** 3d4**** +2******* 5-14
Winter Wolf***** 1******* +1**** 20/×2**** 1d6**** +1******* 2-7
Polar Bear****** 3******* +8**** 19-20/×2* 1d10*** +8******* 9-18
Dire Bear******* 3******* +10*** 19-20/×2* 2d6**** +10****** 12-22
Dire Panther**** 3******* +7**** 19-20/×2* 2d6**** +7******* 9-35****** Slashing +2d8 (10%) [Raking]
Fire Elemental** 1******* +5**** 19-20/×2* 1d8**** +5******* 7-17****** Fire +1d4 (observed low chance on hit, c. 10%)
Earth Elemental* 1******* +5**** 19-20/×2* 4d8**** +5******* 9-37
Water Elemental* 1******* +5**** 19-20/×2* 4d8**** +5******* 9-37
Air Elemental*** 3******* +4**** 19-20/×2* 3d8+6** +4******* 13-34
Boring Beetle*** 1******* +2**** 20/×2**** 5d4**** +2******* 7-22
Black Panther*** 3******* +4**** 19-20/×2* 2d6**** +4******* 3-32****** Slashing +2d8 (10%) [Raking]
Shambling Mound* 2******* +4**** 20/×2**** 2d8**** +4******* 6-32****** Bludg +1d4(50%); Blud +1d4(50%); Blud +1d4(50%); [observed chance to entangle victim on hit for about 1 round (c. 25-50%)]
- Druid Shapechange ability gained at Levels 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, and 30.
- Extra Shapechange feat may be taken 3 times.
- Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are not affected by shapechange. (This means that if you have a Cha of 18, you will become a very good-looking Shambling Mound.
- Str, Dex, and Con scores set as listed above even if character scores are higher.
- Items that adjust ability scores (such as Mercykiller Belt Str +2) still apply while shapechanged.
- New Str score will affect Weight allowance, but Strong Back feat still applies.
- - If your Str score is reduced as a result of shapechange, you could find yourself encumbered.
- New Dex score will affect Reflex saves and Armor class, but Lightening Reflex and Luck of Heroes feat bonuses still apply.
- New Con score will affect Fortitude saves and total Hit points, but Great Fortitude, Luck of Heroes, and Toughness feat bonuses still apply.
- - If your Con score is reduced as a result of shapechange, you will lose hit points.
- - However, a wounded character will heal hitpoints when shapechange occurs (12 points for all except 18 points for Air Elemental).
- – Shapechanging (or returning to natural form) will never reduce hit points lower than 1 – you can’t die due to shapeshifting.
- Natural resistances (such as Acid:5 gained after defeating the Guardian or racial resistances [e.g. Teifling]) are negated, including innate magic resistance.
- Resistances from items (such as Elven Gloves, Cold:1) and spells (such as Storm Shield) remain active during shapechange.
- Movement rates listed above are not affected by Dash feat or Boots of Speed.
- – “As Dash” = movement equal to Dash Feat; “Fast” = movement exceeds Boots of Speed.
- All armor class modifiers are negated, including armor, shield, racial (such as Deep Gnome Generic AC bonus +4), and Dodge feat (Generic +1).
- Armor Class bonuses (Generic and Dexterity) are added to the base AC of the character (usually 10).
- Note that if character normally has fewer attacks than shapechanged form, they will gain those attacks.
- Attack Bonus is applied to character’s base to-hit scores.
- The special ability icon bar seems to be a little buggy. Sometimes your new shape will show up, some times it won't until next level-up.