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worst specialist mage?
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 7:24 pm
by moriveth
What do people think is the worst specialty mage? I'd guess the Enchanter, but I'd like to make sure.
Severhead Wizardbane and Strumdoom Chucklebringer deserve the perfect companion.
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 7:59 pm
by Huskylaw
Specialists can't cast spells from opposite schools right? If so, my vote goes for an abjurer just because they can't cast stoneskin (Alteration).
Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2001 8:10 pm
by vapour
Conversely, I'd like to know what most people think the BEST spec. mage would be? Invoker?
Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 6:24 am
by koz-ivan
worst - diviner, cant cast summon spells, no familiar.
best - conjurer, the opp school is div
the only "good" spells you miss out on are wizard eye, true sight & identify.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 6:42 am
by ElvenKing
For worst specialist mage, my vote goes to Diviner.
For the best specialist, I would say Conjurer. Their opposite school (Divination) is not that good, and a Conjurer with high INT is an offensive powerhouse.
However, if you just want the best spellcaster offensively, go with a Sorcerer instead. Just be sure to choose your spells carefully, since your options are limited.
Hope this helps,
Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 7:31 am
by rapier
Enchanter, they lack most offensive spells...
Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 11:37 am
by TVDinna
IMO, specialist mages aren't really that good. Alot of higher lvl mages use improved invisibility, and if you cant cast true sight then your screwed, while they can debuff you and unload some magic missiles while still being invisible. Every school has good spells. just my 2 gold pieces
Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 12:06 pm
by koz-ivan
you're prob right about true sight, but w/ keldorn in the party, none of the other chars even bother to memorize it.
& glasses replace identify.
the extra spell / level of the spec mage is one hell of an advantage.
now i may be wrong on this but i thought the rule on specalist mages was that the extra spell had to be in the specialty school, i've noticed the game does not enforce this rule. (at least w/ illusionists & conj.)
w/o that rule in place the specialist mages are much more powerful than the standard mage.
Posted: Tue May 01, 2001 2:24 pm
by Nightmare
Conjuror and Necromancer are the best. The worst are Diviner and Invoker (no summoning or enchanting)
Posted: Wed May 02, 2001 5:33 am
by Edwin
worst: illusionist
best: sorcerer
the one i like most (doesn't mean more powerful): necromancer
the most overvalued: conjurer (IMO all the conjuration spells are not so powerful)
Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 5:37 am
by TheDude
i think the conjurner is the best.
not because it has the best spells but there opposite school is the worst.
the only offerings u have to do is treu sight, wizzard eye and .... snip infrasion snip

but u get much extra spells.
I really like edwin in the game he is
the magehe is a conjurner and has lots of spells.
i think the worst is
The illusionist because the opposite school is necromancy and i love the spells like; Finger of death, Death spell and Animate death.
Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 7:14 am
by koz-ivan
yes, edwin rocks, and i happen to agree that conj.'s are the best specialist.
one important thing to remember, not all conj's have as many spells as edwin...
Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 12:56 pm
by cheesemage
INVOKERS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Thu May 03, 2001 8:27 pm
by Curdis
What goes around... There was a similar thread some time past.
The Transmuter is probably the WORST choice for BGII (Cannot scribe/cast Abjuration spells) as you can't cast Breach (etc) so all those enemy mages are pretty much bullet proof for the duration. - My 2 gps Curdis