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The Use of Helms

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 4:35 pm
by Aranan
Do Helms actually DO anything? The non magic ones I mean. I know they protected from critical hits in 2e games, but since that isn't a rule in 3e I was wondering if that carried over to IWD2...

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 4:38 pm
by Nippy
Critical hits are most definitely a feature of 3rd edition games, and as far as I know Helms still do protect from it, or partially at least, any way...

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2002 5:27 pm
by Aranan
I know critical hits are a part of 3rd edition.. I meant that according to the real pnp rules, that helms don't protect you from critical hits. I just wanted to know if that was the case in this game.