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"Broken" eqipment - any way to fix em ?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2002 3:49 am
by Nuke
Seems that you can find a lotta broken (damaged) items. Is there some sort of blacksmith or someone that could restore those items ? That would be cool to carry some piece of junk that later would turn out to be some bad ass gear.
I've saved myself one broken misc item - dunno if I should keep it. :o :p

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2002 8:41 am
by fable
Afraid not. At least the devs' sense of humor didn't extend to letting you find a "broken +6 immortal longsword of slaying" or some such. ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2002 11:43 am
by KidD01
You only need one broken equipment to be carry around. That is before you get on Oswald airship IIRC it's on chapter 2. After that I think it's useless

SPOILER (Highlight for details) you may need the broken equipment as ingridient for Oswald mending spell - it's for the iron component. It's better than you sacrifice one of weapon or armor in your inventory.

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2002 12:56 pm
by Nuke
Yea - for Oswald's spell I used some masterwork sword or somethin'.

Too bad then - that would be a cool feature. Perhaps in IWD 3 ?

I said...IN IWD 3 !

*developer group*
Okay okay - we heard ya... :o :p